84R28515 WG-D
  By: White of Tyler H.R. No. 2753
         WHEREAS, The members of the Buna High School academic team
  were the silver medal winners at the University Interscholastic
  League District 23-3A Academics Spring Meet in March 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Competing at East Chambers High School, the Buna
  group tallied 224 points to best six other talented teams and take
  home runner-up honors; the students displayed excellence in a wide
  variety of challenging subjects during the event and claimed
  numerous first-place finishes; and
         WHEREAS, Several Buna students earned invitations to the
  Region 3-3A meet as a result of their performance, including Ty
  Tamplin, Aleks Allen, Tristen Harris, Dusty Boyd, Jason Chambliss,
  Cade Pellerin, Madison Caillier, Lauren Hale, Scout Dearbonne, Nick
  Brabham, Elayna Luckey, Nick Johnson, Lauren Ward, Brittanie Marie,
  and Bailee Blueitt; and
         WHEREAS, With their efforts at the district meet, the members
  of the Buna High School academic team have proudly represented
  their school, and their dedication and hard work are sure to serve
  them well in the years ahead; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the Buna High School academic team on
  its performance at the UIL District 23-3A Academics Spring Meet and
  extend to the students and team coaches sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.