84R28131 BK-D
  By: Rinaldi H.R. No. 2757
         WHEREAS, The untimely passing of admired civic leader Janine
  Foster Woody of Dallas on April 28, 2015, has brought a tremendous
  loss to her family, to her friends, and to the residents of her
  community; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Paul and Julie Foster, the former
  Janine Foster began her higher education at Northwestern University
  in Evanston, Illinois, where she earned a bachelor's degree in
  history and English; after attending law school at both Texas Tech
  University and Texas Wesleyan University, she continued her
  studies, completing a master of library and information science
  degree from the University of North Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Jan Woody gave generously of her time and expertise
  to supporting public education in Dallas County; elected to the
  Board of Dallas County Schools in 2005, she was also named chair of
  the organization's Technology Committee, in which capacity she
  helped to improve the level of technological service available to
  local school districts; she was further elected to serve as a
  representative to the North Texas Council of Governments and to the
  Texas Association of School Boards Legislative Advisory Committee;
  a certified teacher, she taught secondary school for several years
  and shared her insights on the education committees of area
  chambers of commerce; and
         WHEREAS, Active in local politics from 1994 onward, Ms. Woody
  served as a precinct chair for more than two decades and made it a
  point to walk her precinct before every primary and general
  election; for 10 years, she benefited the Dallas County Republican
  Party as headquarters chair, during which time she played a part in
  the founding of a number of Republican Clubs; she was also a member
  of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and a former president
  of the Richardson Republican Women; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Woody's interest in public safety led her to
  organize a Town Hall on Crime and Drugs in Farmers Branch in 1990,
  and she spent 13 years working with teens as a suicide hotline
  volunteer and counselor; she was a longtime sponsor of the Farmers
  Branch Adopt-a-Park and helped to organize the Garland Asian
  American Festival, and she earned a number of well-deserved awards
  for her efforts over the course of her lifetime; in her leisure, she
  was a talented flute and piano player who pursued her passion for
  music as a member of the Richardson Community Band; and
         WHEREAS, Sustained by her deep religious faith, this devoted
  woman volunteered extensively with Christ United Methodist Church
  as a teacher and certified lay speaker; she was guided by a strong
  sense of ethics in all her endeavors and fought courageously in
  behalf of the causes in which she believed, making countless
  friends along her life's journey; and
         WHEREAS, While the death of Jan Woody has greatly saddened
  all those who were privileged to know her, she leaves behind a
  remarkable record of civic engagement and achievement that the
  passage of time will never diminish; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Janine Foster Woody
  and extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her
  husband, Bruce Woody; to her mother, Julie Foster; to her brother,
  Paul Foster Jr.; to her nephews, Paul Foster III and Scott Foster;
  and to her other relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Janine