H.R. No. 2775
         WHEREAS, It has long been the custom of the House of
  Representatives of the State of Texas to honor the children of its
  members by electing them to the office of mascot; and
         WHEREAS, A roster of mascot candidates eligible for this
  special recognition under the rules of this house has been
  compiled; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby elect the following children of house members to
  the honorary office of mascot:
         Emma Grace Burns, daughter of DeWayne Burns;
         Caleb Ezra Canales, son of Terry Canales;
         Lyla Galindo and Tiffany Galindo, daughters of Rick Galindo;
         William Vincent Johnson, son of Eric Johnson;
         Gracie Adelyn Krause, daughter of Matt Krause;
         Landry Wilson Leach, son of Jeff Leach;
         Madison Lee Longoria, daughter of Oscar Longoria;
         Luc Lucio, son of Eddie Lucio III;
         Amelia Cora Metcalf and Elizabeth Martha Metcalf, daughters
  of Will Metcalf;
         Asher Morgan Meyer, Elizabeth Anne Meyer, and Katharine Grace
  Meyer, children of Morgan Meyer;
         William Edward Moody II, son of Joe Moody;
         Gael Sebastian Garza and Sergio Emiliano Muñoz III, sons of
  Sergio Muñoz Jr.;
         Coke Stevenson Murr, son of Andrew Murr;
         John Henry Phelan, Matthew Stafford Phelan, and Nicholas
  McDade Phelan, sons of Dade Phelan;
         Quincy Schaefer, daughter of Matt Schaefer;
         Brook Sheets and Kameron Sheets, children of Kenneth Sheets;
         George Villalba IV, son of Jason Villalba;
         Joaquin Mateo Walle, son of Armando Walle;
         John Patrick Wray, son of John Wray;
         Winston Wangchen Wu, son of Gene Wu; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That pictures of the mascots appear on the picture
  panel of the Texas House of Representatives and that an official
  certificate be prepared for each mascot as a memento of this honor.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2775 was adopted by the House on May
  21, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House