84R12868 WG-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 2915
         WHEREAS, Licensed athletic trainers have long provided
  quality health care to individuals involved in sports and other
  physical activities, and National Athletic Training Month in March
  2016 provides a fitting opportunity to honor these notable health
  care professionals; and
         WHEREAS, In 1971, Texas became the first state to enact a law
  requiring athletic trainers to meet specific standards of
  education, competency, and ethics, and today all such practitioners
  working in Texas are licensed and regulated by the Advisory Board of
  Athletic Trainers; and
         WHEREAS, Athletic trainers offer an extensive range of
  services, from preventing injuries before games and sporting events
  to recognizing and treating injuries after they occur, under the
  direction of a physician; and
         WHEREAS, Certified athletic trainers work in a variety of
  settings, and secondary schools, colleges and universities,
  professional and amateur athletic organizations, clinics and
  hospitals, and corporations and industries all benefit from their
  expertise; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas State Athletic Trainers' Association
  (TSATA), which was established in 2001, endeavors to promote,
  enhance, and advance the athletic training profession in the Lone
  Star State; the organization offers a number of valuable services
  to its members and strives to be the voice of thousands of licensed
  athletic trainers statewide; and
         WHEREAS, TSATA works with the Office of Acquired Brain Injury
  (OABI) and the Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) to
  provide brain injury education, awareness, prevention, and service
  referral and coordination; and
         WHEREAS, The men and women who work as athletic trainers play
  a positive role in the lives of countless Texas residents, and they
  indeed merit special commendation for their efforts and
  achievements; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 2016 as National Athletic
  Training Month in Texas and extend thanks and best wishes to the
  state's athletic trainers.