84R31322 BPG-D
  By: Turner of Tarrant H.R. No. 3157
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert Cluck concluded a notable,
  12-year tenure as mayor of Arlington in May 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Robert Cluck served two terms on the Arlington City
  Council before winning his first term as mayor in 2003; committed to
  advancing the city's economic development, he played an
  instrumental role in the construction of a new stadium that brought
  the Dallas Cowboys to Arlington; the facility has proven a
  tremendous economic engine, driving the creation of thousands of
  jobs and the expansion of sales tax revenue; moreover, Mayor Cluck
  worked with the team owner to ensure that the city benefited
  financially from the naming rights contract; and
         WHEREAS, A physician by profession, Mayor Cluck also made the
  health of Arlington citizens and their environment a priority; in
  2010, he launched an initiative to combat childhood obesity, and
  for his efforts he was recognized with a President's Council on
  Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition Community Leadership Award;
  moreover, in 2013, he joined other mayors in the area in planning
  the construction of a 64-mile bike path linking downtown Dallas and
  downtown Fort Worth, a project expected to be completed by 2020; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan has also served the community as
  a member of numerous civic organizations, including The University
  of Texas Metroplex Council, the Texas Clean Air Cities Coalition,
  the Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition, the U.S. Conference
  of Mayors Advisory Board, and the boards of the Arlington Chamber of
  Commerce, the North Texas Commission, and Workforce Solutions; he
  has also served as president of the Texas Municipal League; and
         WHEREAS, Mayor Cluck has held the post of vice president for
  medical affairs at Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital since
  2002; he previously served as medical director for both Texas
  Health Arlington Memorial and Harris Methodist Health Plan,
  following more than 20 years in private practice as an
  obstetrician-gynecologist; he graduated from The University of
  Texas Southwestern Medical School and served during the Vietnam War
  as a general medical officer in the United States Air Force,
  stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines; and
         WHEREAS, Robert Cluck has greatly benefited his fellow
  citizens through his steadfast dedication to the betterment of
  Arlington, and his contributions will continue to resonate in the
  community for years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Honorable Robert Cluck for his
  exemplary public service and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Cluck as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.