84R32304 BPG-D
  By: Murr H.R. No. 3176
         WHEREAS, The picturesque Hill Country community of Llano has
  long been known across the state and nation as a premier location
  for deer hunting; and
         WHEREAS, In the years after its founding in 1855, Llano was
  the last stop on the railroad and an outpost on the edge of the
  largely unsettled land that extended to the west; many settlers
  relied on the abundant deer and other game as a source of food,
  particularly as they were first establishing their ranches and
  farms; and
         WHEREAS, Even after the frontier era passed, the countryside
  near Llano retained its thriving deer population; hunters from
  other parts of the state and beyond began making trips to the area,
  and by the early decades of the 1900s, the community was being
  nicknamed and thereby regarded by many as the "Deer Capital of
  Texas"; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the town remains one of the Lone Star State's
  most popular destinations for deer hunters; the region of the Hill
  Country around Llano boasts a ratio of one deer for every two to
  three acres of land, representing a density of deer greater than any
  other area in the United States; and
         WHEREAS, More than 15,000 people hunt in Llano County each
  year, harvesting over 12,000 white-tailed deer annually; the
  hunters spend as much as $3.5 million in the county, making the
  sport a significant factor in the local economy; and
         WHEREAS, On the Friday before the start of each deer season,
  the Llano Chamber of Commerce hosts a Hunters Welcome event to
  express the city's appreciation for the contributions hunters make
  to the town's prosperity, and throughout the season, banners,
  posters, and special offers from businesses create a friendly
  environment for hunting enthusiasts; and
         WHEREAS, From its origins as a frontier town to the present
  day, Llano has been a paradise for deer hunters, and the economic
  impact of deer hunting has been and continues to be an important
  driver of Llano's economy; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Llano for its rich history as a renowned
  destination for Texas deer hunters; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the city of Llano as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.