84R33224 MDM-D
  By: Thompson of Brazoria H.R. No. 3336
         WHEREAS, June 12, 2015, marks the 50th wedding anniversary of
  Walter and Carole Wright of Pearland, and this joyous event
  provides a fitting opportunity to reflect on their memorable
  journey together as husband and wife; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Wright met in 1963 and were joined in
  matrimony in 1965 at a ceremony held at St. Bernadette Catholic
  Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico; through the years, they have
  been blessed with a treasured family that includes their children,
  Angie and Rich, as well as their grandchildren, Justin, Kayla, and
  Madeline; and
         WHEREAS, Texas residents since 1966, the Wrights bought a
  ranch in Lavaca County in 1977 and raised longhorn cattle for 19
  years; over the course of his working life, Mr. Wright was employed
  with ACF Industries, Philco Ford, Aeronutronic Ford, Ford
  Aerospace, Loral, and Lockheed Martin, with much of his career
  spent at NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Mrs. Wright worked
  with Ellison Architects, TRW Systems, and Dobie High School; and
         WHEREAS, Respected members of their community, the couple
  worship at New Life Lutheran Church, where they are active
  volunteers, and they share their time as mentors at E. A. Lawhon
  Elementary School; the avid travelers have been to all 50 states in
  the United States, as well as to 39 countries; and
         WHEREAS, The half-century of marriage that Mr. and
  Mrs. Wright have shared is eloquent affirmation of the meaning of
  love and commitment, and their enduring union is an inspiration to
  all who know them; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Walter and Carole Wright on their
  50th wedding anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the couple as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.