relating to the creation of the Advisory Council on Hispanic |
Affairs in the office of the governor. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle E, Title 4, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 470 to read as follows: |
Sec. 470.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Council" means the Advisory Council on Hispanic |
Affairs. |
(2) "State agency" includes an institution of higher |
education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code. |
Sec. 470.002. ESTABLISHMENT. The Advisory Council on |
Hispanic Affairs is established in the office of the governor to |
advise the office on furthering the economic, social, legal, and |
political contributions and equality of the Hispanic population of |
this state. |
Sec. 470.003. COMPOSITION; TERMS. (a) The council is |
composed of nine members appointed as follows: |
(1) one ex officio member of the legislature appointed |
by the speaker of the house of representatives; |
(2) one ex officio member of the legislature appointed |
by the lieutenant governor; and |
(3) seven members appointed by the governor. |
(b) Members appointed by the speaker of the house and the |
lieutenant governor serve two-year terms. Members appointed by the |
governor serve four-year staggered terms, with either three or four |
members' terms expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year. |
(c) In making appointments to the council, the appointing |
officials shall attempt to achieve geographic representation of the |
Hispanic population from all areas of the state. |
(d) The governor shall designate the chair and vice chair of |
the council from among the members of the council. |
Sec. 470.004. MEETINGS. The council shall meet at least |
quarterly each fiscal year. The council may hold meetings by |
conference call. |
Sec. 470.005. COMPENSATION. A member of the council is not |
entitled to compensation or reimbursement of expenses incurred in |
performing council duties. |
Sec. 470.006. DUTIES. The council shall: |
(1) monitor existing programs and legislation |
designed to meet the needs of the Hispanic population; |
(2) serve as a liaison between the Hispanic community |
and the office of the governor and other governmental entities; |
(3) facilitate meetings with the Hispanic Caucus of |
the senate, the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the house of |
representatives, and the office of the governor to address the |
legislative needs of the Hispanic population; |
(4) assist the secretary of state in inviting public |
and business leaders from Spanish-speaking countries to the state; |
(5) recommend Hispanics to serve on appointed state |
boards and commissions; |
(6) work with the state demographer to assess the |
demographic indicators and milestones of the Hispanic population; |
(7) collaborate with business organizations, |
stakeholders, and the Texas Workforce Commission to review state |
and local policies that affect business creation and expansion in |
order to develop policy recommendations for: |
(A) streamlining or eliminating unnecessary |
barriers to business creation, retention, and expansion in order to |
develop greater entrepreneurship opportunities that will benefit |
the Hispanic population and Hispanic-owned businesses in high-need |
areas; |
(B) creating a better business climate to |
increase job creation, retention, and expansion opportunities for |
small and Hispanic-owned businesses; |
(C) assisting in revitalizing the industrial, |
manufacturing, and high-technology sectors of the state's economy |
to better address the needs of the Hispanic workforce; and |
(D) strengthening employment opportunities to |
more effectively increase participation of Hispanics in |
well-paying jobs and lower the unemployment rate within the |
Hispanic population; |
(8) analyze the employment policies and practices of |
employers in the public and private sectors in order to develop |
recommendations on improving equal opportunity and treatment for |
the Hispanic population and other minorities in employment; |
(9) evaluate the development of methods and |
initiatives to assure fuller employment options and greater |
employment opportunities for Hispanics; |
(10) work with the education community and the private |
sector to develop appropriate recommendations and initiatives |
relating to the following goals: |
(A) retaining Hispanic students in public |
schools by decreasing the dropout rate; |
(B) closing the education achievement gap; |
(C) furthering the accomplishments of Hispanics |
enrolled in institutions of higher education; |
(D) increasing work-study, mentorship, and |
financial assistance for Hispanic students; |
(E) informing Hispanics about nontraditional |
education and employment opportunities; and |
(F) evaluating programs designed to provide |
equal educational opportunities to the Hispanic population, as |
mandated by state and federal law; |
(11) review licensing and regulation requirements in |
the state in order to: |
(A) determine the effect of those requirements on |
the Hispanic population's ability to enter into chosen occupations |
and to compete in the free market; and |
(B) develop recommendations to eliminate |
burdensome licensing requirements that negatively affect job |
growth and creation within the Hispanic community and other |
constituencies; |
(12) work with health and medical experts in the |
private sector and at institutions of higher education to identify |
pressing fundamental health concerns of the Hispanic population; |
(13) address equal treatment of the Hispanic |
population in the educational, judicial, and health systems by: |
(A) analyzing the application to the Hispanic |
population of the laws of this state that govern those systems; |
(B) monitoring the implementation of laws that |
affect the legal rights and duties of the Hispanic population; and |
(C) educating members of the Hispanic population |
about their legal rights and duties; and |
(14) study and research any other related matter of |
importance to the council or the governor. |
Sec. 470.007. RECOMMENDATIONS. (a) The council shall |
submit a report of the council's recommendations to the governor, |
lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives |
not later than October 1 of each even-numbered year. |
(b) The council shall include in the report recommendations |
about: |
(1) the status and funding of state programs designed |
to address the needs of the Hispanic population; and |
(2) reforms, policies, and statutory changes to |
further the economic, social, legal, and political contributions of |
Hispanics in the state. |
Sec. 470.008. EXEMPTION. Chapter 2110 does not apply to the |
council. |
Sec. 470.009. ASSISTANCE OF STATE AGENCIES. State agencies |
and political subdivisions of this state shall cooperate with the |
council to the greatest extent practicable to fully implement the |
council's statutory duties. |
SECTION 2. Not later than October 1, 2015, the speaker of |
the house of representatives, the lieutenant governor, and the |
governor shall appoint the members of the Advisory Council on |
Hispanic Affairs established by Chapter 470, Government Code, as |
added by this Act. In appointing the initial members of the |
council, the governor shall appoint three persons to terms expiring |
February 1, 2017, and four to terms expiring February 1, 2019. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |