relating to an audit of Major Events trust funds conducted by the |
state auditor. |
SECTION 1. (a) The state auditor shall conduct an audit of |
a Major Events trust fund established under Section 5A, Chapter |
1507 (S.B. 456), Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, |
1999 (Article 5190.14, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). In |
conducting the audit, the state auditor shall develop an audit plan |
and establish the scope and objectives of the audit consistent with |
generally accepted auditing standards and with other audits |
conducted by the state auditor under Chapter 321, Government Code. |
(b) The audit conducted under Subsection (a) of this section |
may determine whether money from a Major Events trust fund was: |
(1) deposited and disbursed in accordance with the |
purposes and in compliance with the requirements of Section 5A, |
Chapter 1507 (S.B. 456), Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 1999 (Article 5190.14, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and |
other applicable laws and standards; and |
(2) monitored to determine whether each person who |
received money from the fund complied with the terms of any |
applicable agreements and with Section 5A, Chapter 1507 (S.B. 456), |
Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999 (Article |
5190.14, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and other applicable laws |
and standards. |
(c) Consistent with generally accepted auditing standards |
and with other audits conducted by the state auditor under Chapter |
321, Government Code, the state auditor may assess the efficiency |
and effectiveness of disbursements made under a Major Events trust |
fund. |
(d) While conducting the audit under this section, the state |
auditor: |
(1) may require the assistance of an official or |
employee of an endorsing county, endorsing municipality, the |
comptroller, or any other state agency; and |
(2) is entitled to access all of the books, accounts, |
reports, vouchers, or other records of information of any county, |
municipality, state agency, or entity subject to audit, including |
access to all electronic data. |
(e) The state auditor shall prepare a report of the audit |
conducted under this section. Not later than January 1, 2017, the |
state auditor shall file the report with the lieutenant governor, |
the speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding |
officer of each standing committee of the senate and house of |
representatives having primary jurisdiction over fiscal matters. |
The report may include: |
(1) details on the process for determining events |
eligible to receive funding from a Major Events trust fund; and |
(2) details on compliance by the recipients of money |
from a Major Events trust fund with the requirements of applicable |
laws and standards. |
SECTION 2. This Act expires September 1, 2017. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |