relating to performance-based tuition limitations for certain |
public institutions of higher education. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter B, Chapter 54, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 54.05131 to read as follows: |
LIMITATIONS. (a) In this section: |
(1) "General academic teaching institution" and |
"public state college" have the meanings assigned by Section |
61.003. |
(2) "Performance measure" includes only: |
(1) the four-year graduation rate of first-time, |
full-time, bachelor's degree-seeking students; |
(2) the six-year graduation rate of first-time, |
full-time, bachelor's degree-seeking students; |
(3) the persistence rate of first-time, full-time, |
degree-seeking freshman students after one academic year; |
(4) the educator certification rate of teacher |
education graduates; |
(5) the percentage of students awarded a baccalaureate |
degree who are first-generation college graduates; |
(6) the two-year graduation rate of incoming full-time |
undergraduate transfer students; |
(7) the four-year graduation rate of incoming |
full-time undergraduate transfer students; |
(8) the percentage of lower-division semester credit |
hours taught by tenured or tenure-track faculty; and |
(9) the dollar value of external or sponsored research |
expenditures. |
(b) This section applies only to a general academic teaching |
institution other than a public state college. |
(c) This section applies to tuition charged for an academic |
year by an institution to which this section applies only if the |
institution did not satisfy, in the most recent state fiscal year |
preceding that academic year for which information is available, |
more than one-half of the target levels assigned to the performance |
measures included in the General Appropriations Act as applicable |
to the institution for that state fiscal year. The Texas Higher |
Education Coordinating Board in consultation with the Legislative |
Budget Board shall determine whether an institution has satisfied |
an applicable target level for purposes of this subsection. |
(d) For an academic year in which this section applies to an |
institution, the amount of tuition the governing board of the |
institution charges under Section 54.0513 to a student for that |
academic year may not exceed the total amount of tuition that the |
governing board would have charged under that section to a |
similarly situated student in the preceding academic year, as that |
amount is adjusted for each academic year for inflation as |
determined under Subsection (e). The governing board may not |
increase the amount of tuition charged under this section to a |
student more than once in any academic year. For purposes of this |
subsection, students are similarly situated if they share the same |
residency status, degree program, course load, course level, |
tuition exemption status, and other circumstances affecting the |
tuition charged to the student. |
(e) Not later than January 31 of each year, or as soon |
thereafter as practicable, the Legislative Budget Board shall |
publish and certify to the governing board of each institution to |
which this section applies the inflation rate to be used for |
purposes of this section for the next academic year. |
(f) The inflation rate is the percentage increase, if any, |
as expressed in decimal form rounded to the nearest thousandth of |
one percent, in the consumer price index, as defined by Section |
341.201, Finance Code, for the preceding calendar year as compared |
to the consumer price index for the year preceding that year. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 322, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 322.025 to read as follows: |
EDUCATION. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Institution of higher education" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code. |
(2) "Performance measure" means a performance measure |
listed in Section 54.05131(a)(2), Education Code. |
(b) Each institution of higher education to which Section |
54.05131, Education Code, applies shall submit to the board, as |
part of the institution's legislative appropriations request for |
the general appropriations bill prepared by the board under Section |
322.008, a requested target level for each performance measure |
applicable to the institution for each of the state fiscal years |
covered by the bill. |
(c) The board, in preparing the general appropriations bill |
under Section 322.008, after considering the performance measure |
target levels requested by institutions under Subsection (b) of |
this section, shall prescribe for each institution to which Section |
54.05131, Education Code, applies and for which money is to be |
appropriated in the bill, recommendations for target levels for the |
performance measures that the board considers appropriate for the |
institution for inclusion in the appropriations to the institution |
for each of the state fiscal years covered by the bill. |
(d) The board's staff shall: |
(1) notify an institution if the staff's proposed |
recommendations applicable to the institution are different from |
the performance measure target levels requested by the institution |
under Subsection (b); and |
(2) provide the institution an opportunity to comment |
on or request modification of the staff's proposed performance |
measure target levels. |
(e) The board shall establish a procedure under which an |
institution that is dissatisfied with the staff's final |
recommendation for one or more performance measure target levels |
applicable to the institution may request a modification of the |
level or levels in a hearing before the board held as soon as |
practicable before the board prescribes its final recommendations |
under Subsection (c) but not later than the date the general |
appropriations bill is filed in the legislature. |
SECTION 3. Section 54.05131, Education Code, as added by |
this Act, applies beginning with tuition charged by a general |
academic teaching institution to which that section applies for the |
2018-2019 academic year. Tuition charged by an institution for an |
academic year before that academic year is covered by the law in |
effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |