84R9484 ADM-D
  By: Ellis S.B. No. 990
  relating to the protection of voting rights in the State of Texas;
  creating a criminal offense.
         SECTION 1.  This Act may be cited as the Texas Voting Rights
  Act of 2015.
         SECTION 2.  Section 13.001(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  To be eligible to apply for registration, a person must,
  on the date the registration application is submitted to the
  registrar, be at least 16 [17] years [and 10 months] of age and
  satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) except for age.
         SECTION 3.  Section 13.002(e), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  Notwithstanding Section 82.005, a [A] person who is
  certified for participation in the address confidentiality program
  administered by the attorney general under Subchapter C, Chapter
  56, Code of Criminal Procedure, is not eligible for early voting by
  mail [under Section 82.007] unless the person submits an
  application under this section by personal delivery.  The secretary
  of state may adopt rules to implement this subsection.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 13, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 13.009 to read as follows:
         Sec. 13.009.  ISSUANCE OF RECEIPT. (a)  This section applies
  only to a completed registration application that is submitted by
  the applicant in person to a voter registrar, deputy registrar, or
  volunteer deputy registrar or a voter registration agency
  designated under Chapter 20.  This section does not apply to a
  completed registration application that is submitted by mail.
         (b)  On receipt of a completed registration application, the
  person receiving the application shall prepare a receipt in
  duplicate on a form prescribed by the secretary of state and
  furnished by the registrar.
         (c)  The receipt must contain:
               (1)  the name of the applicant and, if applicable, the
  name of the applicant's agent; and
               (2)  the date the completed application is submitted.
         (d)  The person receiving the application shall sign the
  receipt in the applicant's presence and shall give the original to
  the applicant.
         (e)  The person receiving the application shall deliver the
  duplicate receipt to the registrar with the registration
  application. The registrar shall retain the receipt on file with
  the application.
         (f)  The secretary of state may prescribe a procedure that is
  an alternative to the procedure prescribed by this section that
  will ensure the accountability of the registration applications.
         SECTION 5.  Section 13.031, Election Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
         (f)  A volunteer deputy registrar appointed under this
  section may serve as a volunteer deputy registrar throughout the
  state regardless of which county appointed the deputy registrar.
  The secretary of state shall prescribe procedures to implement this
         SECTION 6.  Section 13.033(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  If a person is to be appointed, the registrar shall
  prepare a certificate of appointment in duplicate containing:
               (1)  the date of appointment;
               (2)  the statement: "I, ____________, Voter Registrar
  for ____________ County, do hereby appoint ____________ as a
  volunteer deputy registrar [for ____________ County].";
               (3)  the person's residence address;
               (4)  the person's voter registration number, if any;
               (5)  a statement that the term of the appointment
  expires December 31 of an even-numbered year; and
               (6)  a statement that the appointment terminates on the
  person's final conviction for an offense for failure to deliver a
  registration application and may terminate on the registrar's
  determination that the person failed to adequately review a
  registration application.
         SECTION 7.  Section 13.034(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The registrar shall maintain the file in alphabetical
  order by deputy name [on a countywide basis].
         SECTION 8.  Section 13.035(c), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  The registrar shall maintain the file in alphabetical
  order by deputy name [on a countywide basis].
         SECTION 9.  Section 13.037(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A person may not receive compensation from any [the]
  county for service as a volunteer deputy registrar unless
  compensation is authorized by the commissioners court.
         SECTION 10.  Section 13.038, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 13.038.  POWERS GENERALLY. (a)  A volunteer deputy
  registrar may distribute voter registration application forms
  throughout the county and receive registration applications
  submitted to the deputy in person.
         (b)  A volunteer deputy registrar may distribute a voter
  registration application in the form prescribed by the secretary of
  state under Section 31.002 throughout the state and receive an
  application in that form submitted to the deputy in person,
  regardless of the county in which the application was printed.
         (c)  The secretary of state shall prescribe procedures to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 11.  The heading to Section 31.005, Election Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 12.  Section 31.005(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  If the secretary determines that a person performing
  official functions in the administration of any part of the
  electoral processes is exercising the powers vested in that person
  in a manner that impedes the free exercise of a citizen's voting
  rights or otherwise violates this code, the secretary may order the
  person to correct the offending conduct. If the person fails to
  comply, the secretary may seek enforcement of the order by a
  temporary restraining order or a writ of injunction or mandamus
  obtained through the attorney general.
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter A, Chapter 61, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 61.015 to read as follows:
  (a) An election officer commits an offense if the officer
               (1)  removes the name of an eligible voter from the list
  of registered voters or the poll list for the precinct;
               (2)  refuses to accept for voting a person whose
  acceptance is required by this code; or
               (3)  prevents the deposit in the ballot box of a marked
  and properly folded ballot that was provided at the polling place to
  the voter who is depositing it or for whom the deposit is attempted.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a state jail felony.
         SECTION 14.  Section 61.032, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 61.032.  INTERPRETER PERMITTED.  If an election officer
  who attempts to communicate with a voter does not understand the
  language used by the voter, the voter may communicate through an
  interpreter selected by the voter or by the authority ordering the
         SECTION 15.  Section 61.033, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  eligible to serve as an interpreter, a person:
               (1)  if selected by the voter, may be any person other
  than the voter's employer, an agent of the voter's employer, or an
  officer or agent of a labor union to which the voter belongs; or
               (2)  if appointed to serve as an interpreter by the
  authority ordering the election, must be a registered voter of the
  county in which the voter needing the interpreter resides or a
  registered voter of an adjacent county.
         SECTION 16.  Chapter 61, Election Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter C to read as follows:
  person may not knowingly deceive another person regarding:
               (1)  the time, place, or manner of conducting an
  election in this state; or
               (2)  the qualifications for or restrictions governing
  voter eligibility for an election in this state.
         Sec. 61.062.  CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A person commits an
  offense if the person violates Section 61.061 with the intent to
  prevent another person from:
               (1)  voting in an election; or
               (2)  casting a ballot that may legally be counted.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
  SECRETARY. (a) A person may report a suspected violation of
  Section 61.061 to the secretary of state through the voting rights
  hotline or otherwise.
         (b)  Not later than 48 hours after receiving the report, the
  secretary of state shall:
               (1)  refer the matter to the attorney general as
  provided by Section 31.006 if the secretary determines that there
  is reasonable cause to suspect that a criminal offense has been
  committed; and
               (2)  take any action determined necessary to provide
  correct information to the voters affected by the violation.
         (c)  The secretary of state shall adopt rules regarding the
  method of taking corrective action under Subsection (b)(2).
         Sec. 61.064.  CIVIL ACTION. The attorney general or a person
  harmed by a violation of Section 61.061 may bring a civil action for
  relief against a person who violates that section, including an
  action seeking a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining
  order, or other appropriate order.
         Sec. 61.065.  REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. (a) Not later than
  February 1 of each year, the secretary of state shall submit a
  report to the legislature regarding the reported violations of
  Section 61.061 during the preceding calendar year.
         (b)  The report must include:
               (1)  the number of reports of violations received;
               (2)  the number of alleged violations referred to the
  attorney general;
               (3)  a description of the corrective actions taken
  under Section 61.063(b)(2);
               (4)  the geographic locations of and populations
  affected by the alleged violations; and
               (5)  any other information considered appropriate by
  the secretary of state.
         (c)  The secretary of state may withhold specific
  information from a report under this section if the secretary
  determines that the disclosure of that information would unduly
  interfere with an ongoing investigation.
         SECTION 17.  Chapter 62, Election Code, is amended by adding
  Section 62.0015 to read as follows:
         Sec. 62.0015.  VOTER REGISTRARS MUST BE PRESENT.  Two voter
  registrars must be present at each polling place while the polls are
         SECTION 18.  Chapter 63, Election Code, is amended by adding
  Section 63.010 to read as follows:
  PROCEDURES.  (a) Other applicable provisions of this code apply to
  the conduct of voting and to the registration of voters under this
  section to the extent those provisions do not conflict with this
         (b)  A person who would be eligible to vote in an election
  under Section 11.001, but for the requirement to be a registered
  voter, shall be accepted for voting in the precinct of the person's
  residence if, on the day the person offers to vote, the person:
               (1)  submits a voter registration application that
  complies with Section 13.002 to a voter registrar at the polling
  place; and
               (2)  presents as proof of identification:
                     (A)  a Texas driver's license, including a
  temporary license or instruction permit, or personal
  identification card issued to the person by the Department of
  Public Safety that states the person's current address on the day
  the person seeks to vote; or
                     (B)  a utility bill addressed to the person dated
  not earlier than the 30th day before the date the person seeks to
  vote, and:
                           (i)  a Texas driver's license, including a
  temporary license or instruction permit, or personal
  identification card issued to the person by the Department of
  Public Safety, regardless of whether the address stated on the
  license or card is current on the day the person seeks to vote;
                           (ii)  a United States passport issued to the
  person; or
                           (iii)  a United States military
  identification card that contains the person's photograph.
         (c)  Persons voting under this section shall be processed
  separately at the polling place from persons who are voting under
  regular procedures.
         (d)  The secretary of state shall adopt rules to ensure the
  accountability of election officers and to fairly implement this
         SECTION 19.  The heading to Section 63.012, Election Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 20.  Section 63.012(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An election officer commits an offense if the officer
               [(1)]  permits an ineligible voter to vote other than
  as provided by Section 63.011[; or
               [(2)     refuses to accept a person for voting whose
  acceptance is required by this code].
         SECTION 21.  The heading to Section 64.010, Election Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 22.  Section 64.010(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An election officer commits an offense if the officer[:
               [(1)] permits a person to deposit in the ballot box a
  ballot that the officer knows was not provided at the polling place
  to the voter who is depositing the ballot or for whom the deposit is
  made[; or
               [(2)     prevents the deposit in the ballot box of a marked
  and properly folded ballot that was provided at the polling place to
  the voter who is depositing it or for whom the deposit is
         SECTION 23.  Section 82.005, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  APPEARANCE]. Any qualified voter is eligible for early voting by
  mail or personal appearance.
         SECTION 24.  Section 82.007, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  PROGRAM. Notwithstanding Section 82.005, a [A] qualified voter
  who, [is eligible for early voting by mail if:
               [(1)     the voter submitted a registration application by
  personal delivery as required by Section 13.002(e); and
               [(2)]  at the time the voter's early voting ballot
  application is submitted, [the voter] is certified for
  participation in the address confidentiality program administered
  by the attorney general under Subchapter C, Chapter 56, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is eligible for early voting by mail only if the
  voter submitted a registration application by personal delivery as
  required by Section 13.002(e).
         SECTION 25.  Section 84.001(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  To be entitled to vote an early voting ballot by mail, a
  person [who is eligible for early voting] must make an application
  for an early voting ballot to be voted by mail as provided by this
         SECTION 26.  Section 84.002(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An early voting ballot application must include:
               (1)  the applicant's name and the address at which the
  applicant is registered to vote;
               (2)  for an application for a ballot to be voted by mail
  by an applicant who will be absent from the applicant's [on the
  ground of absence from the] county of residence on election day, the
  address outside the applicant's county of residence to which the
  ballot is to be mailed;
               (3)  for an application for a ballot to be voted by mail
  by an applicant who is 65 years of age or older on election day or
  has a sickness or physical condition that requires the applicant to
  reside in a hospital or nursing home or other long-term care
  facility, or with a relative [on the ground of age or disability],
  the address of the hospital, nursing home or other long-term care
  facility, or retirement center, or of a person related to the
  applicant within the second degree by affinity or the third degree
  by consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code,
  if the applicant is living at that address and that address is
  different from the address at which the applicant is registered to
               (4)  for an application for a ballot to be voted by mail
  by an applicant who is confined [on the ground of confinement] in
  jail as described by Section 84.009(a), the address of the jail or
  of a person related to the applicant within the degree described by
  Subdivision (3); and
               (5)  [for an application for a ballot to be voted by
  mail on any ground,] an indication of each election for which the
  applicant is applying for a ballot[; and
               [(6)     an indication of the ground of eligibility for
  early voting].
         SECTION 27.  Section 84.009, Election Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as
         (a)  This section applies only to an applicant who, at the
  time the application for a ballot to be voted by mail is submitted,
  is confined in jail:
               (1)  serving a misdemeanor sentence for a term that
  ends on or after election day;
               (2)  pending trial after denial of bail;
               (3)  without bail pending an appeal of a felony
  conviction; or
               (4)  pending trial or appeal on a bailable offense for
  which release on bail before election day is unlikely.
         (a-1)  On request of the applicant, an application for a
  ballot to be voted by mail [on the ground of confinement in jail]
  may be submitted to the early voting clerk, at the discretion of the
  authority in charge of the jail, by personal delivery by the jail
  authority or by a designated subordinate of the authority.
         SECTION 28.  Section 84.011(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The officially prescribed application form for an early
  voting ballot must include:
               (1)  immediately preceding the signature space the
  statement: "I certify that the information given in this
  application is true, and I understand that giving false information
  in this application is a crime.";
               (2)  a statement informing the applicant of the
  offenses prescribed by Sections 84.003 and 84.004;
               (3)  spaces for entering an applicant's voter
  registration number and county election precinct of registration,
  with a statement informing the applicant that failure to furnish
  that information does not invalidate the application; and
               (4)  on an application for a ballot to be voted by mail:
                     (A)  a space for an applicant [applying on the
  ground of absence from the county of residence] to indicate whether
  the applicant will be absent from the applicant's county of
  residence on election day and, if applicable, the date on or after
  which the applicant can receive mail at the address outside the
                     (B)  a space for indicating the fact that an
  applicant whose application is signed by a witness cannot make the
  applicant's mark and a space for indicating the relationship or
  lack of relationship of the witness to the applicant;
                     (C)  a space for entering an applicant's telephone
  number, with a statement informing the applicant that failure to
  furnish that information does not invalidate the application;
                     (D)  a space or box for an applicant who is 65
  years of age or older on election day or has a sickness or physical
  condition that requires the applicant to reside in a hospital or
  nursing home or other long-term care facility, or with a relative,
  [applying on the ground of age or disability] to indicate that the
  address to which the ballot is to be mailed is the address of a
  facility or relative described by Section 84.002(a)(3), if
                     (E)  a space or box for an applicant confined
  [applying on the ground of confinement] in jail as described by
  Section 84.009(a) to indicate that the address to which the ballot
  is to be mailed is the address of a relative described by Section
  84.002(a)(4), if applicable;
                     (F)  spaces for entering the signature, printed
  name, and residence address of any person assisting the applicant;
                     (G)  a statement informing the applicant of the
  condition prescribed by Section 81.005; and
                     (H)  a statement informing the applicant of the
  requirement prescribed by Section 86.003(c).
         SECTION 29.  Section 85.031(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  For each person entitled to vote an early voting ballot
  by personal appearance or entitled to register at a polling place,
  the early voting clerk shall follow the procedure for accepting or
  registering a regular voter on election day, with the modifications
  necessary for the conduct of early voting.
         SECTION 30.  Sections 86.001(b) and (c), Election Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If the application complies with the applicable
  requirements prescribed by this title [applicant is entitled to
  vote an early voting ballot by mail], the clerk shall provide an
  official ballot to the applicant as provided by this chapter.
         (c)  Except as provided by Section 86.008, if the applicant
  is not entitled to vote in the election [by mail], the clerk shall
  reject the application, enter on the application "rejected" and the
  reason for and date of rejection, and deliver written notice of the
  reason for the rejection to the applicant at both the residence
  address and mailing address on the application. A ballot may not be
  provided to an applicant whose application is rejected.
         SECTION 31.  Section 86.003(c), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  The address to which the balloting materials must be
  addressed is the address at which the voter is registered to vote,
  or the registered mailing address if different, unless the
  application to vote early by mail indicates that the voter [ground
  for voting by mail is]:
               (1)  will be absent from the voter's [absence from the]
  county of residence on election day, in which case the address must
  be an address outside the voter's county of residence;
               (2)  is confined [confinement] in jail as described by
  Section 84.009(a), in which case the address must be the address of
  the jail or of a relative described by Section 84.002(a)(4); or
               (3)  is 65 years of age or older on election day or has a
  sickness or physical condition that requires the applicant to
  reside in a hospital or nursing home or other long-term care
  facility, or with a relative, [age or disability] and [the voter] is
  living at a hospital, nursing home or other long-term care
  facility, or retirement center, or with a relative described by
  Section 84.002(a)(3), in which case the address must be the address
  of that facility or relative.
         SECTION 32.  Section 86.004(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  For an election to which Section 101.104 applies, the
  balloting materials for a voter who indicates on the application
  for a ballot to be voted by mail or the federal postcard application
  that the voter seeks [is eligible] to vote early by mail as a
  consequence of the voter's being outside the United States shall be
  mailed on or before the later of the 45th day before election day or
  the seventh calendar day after the date the clerk receives the
  application.  However, if it is not possible to mail the ballots by
  the deadline of the 45th day before election day, the clerk shall
  notify the secretary of state within 24 hours of knowing that the
  deadline will not be met.  The secretary of state shall monitor the
  situation and advise the clerk, who shall mail the ballots as soon
  as possible in accordance with the secretary of state's guidelines.
         SECTION 33.  Section 87.041(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  A ballot may be accepted only if:
               (1)  the carrier envelope certificate is properly
               (2)  neither the voter's signature on the ballot
  application nor the signature on the carrier envelope certificate
  is determined to have been executed by a person other than the
  voter, unless signed by a witness;
               (3)  [the voter's ballot application states a legal
  ground for early voting by mail;
               [(4)]  the voter is registered to vote, if registration
  is required by law;
               (4) [(5)     the address to which the ballot was mailed to
  the voter, as indicated by the application, was outside the voter's
  county of residence, if the ground for early voting is absence from
  the county of residence;
               [(6)]  for a voter to whom a statement of residence form
  was required to be sent under Section 86.002(a), the statement of
  residence is returned in the carrier envelope and indicates that
  the voter satisfies the residence requirements prescribed by
  Section 63.0011; and
               (5) [(7)]  the address to which the ballot was mailed
  to the voter is an address [that is otherwise] required by Sections
  84.002 and 86.003.
         SECTION 34.  Section 102.001(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A qualified voter is eligible to vote a late ballot as
  provided by this chapter if the voter has a sickness or physical
  condition [described by Section 82.002] that prevents the voter
  from appearing at the polling place on election day without a
  likelihood of needing personal assistance or of injuring the
  voter's health and originates on or after the day before the last
  day for submitting an application for a ballot to be voted by mail.
         SECTION 35.  Section 662.003(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  A state holiday includes only the following days:
               (1)  the 19th day of January, "Confederate Heroes Day,"
  in honor of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate
               (2)  the second day of March, "Texas Independence Day";
               (3)  the 21st day of April, "San Jacinto Day";
               (4)  the 19th day of June, "Emancipation Day in Texas,"
  in honor of the emancipation of the slaves in Texas in 1865;
               (5)  the 27th day of August, "Lyndon Baines Johnson
  Day," in observance of the birthday of Lyndon Baines Johnson;
               (6)  the Friday after Thanksgiving Day;
               (7)  the 24th day of December; [and]
               (8)  the 26th day of December; and
               (9)  every day on which an election, including a
  primary election, is held throughout the state.
         SECTION 36.  Section 662.021, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 662.021.  DATES OF HOLIDAYS.  A legal holiday includes
  only the following days:
               (1)  a national holiday under Section 662.003(a); and
               (2)  a state holiday under Sections 662.003(b)(1)
  through (6) or Section 662.003(b)(9).
         SECTION 37.  Sections 13.040, 82.001, 82.002, 82.003,
  82.004, 84.002(b), and 112.002(b), Election Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 38.  The secretary of state shall adopt rules as
  required by Section 63.010, Election Code, as added by this Act, not
  later than February 1, 2016.
         SECTION 39.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act in
  adding Sections 62.0015 and 63.010, Election Code, and in amending
  Section 85.03(a), Election Code, apply only to an election for
  which early voting by personal appearance begins on or after
  February 1, 2016.
         (b)  The changes in law made by this Act in amending Sections
  13.002(e), 82.005, 82.007, 84.001(a), 84.002(a), 84.009,
  84.011(a), 86.001(b) and (c), 86.003(c), 86.004(b), 87.041(b), and
  102.001(a), Election Code, and in repealing Sections 82.001,
  82.002, 82.003, 82.004, 84.002(b), and 112.002(b), Election Code,
  apply only to an election ordered on or after September 1, 2015.
         (c)  The changes in law made by this Act in adding Section
  13.009, Election Code, and repealing Section 13.040, Election Code,
  apply only to a voter registration application submitted on or
  after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 40.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.