By: Rodriguez S.B. No. 1037
  relating to law enforcement training programs and policies on using
  appropriate nonlethal force and nonviolent restraint; changing the
  education requirements for licensure as a peace officer.
         SECTION 1.  Article 2.13, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  A peace officer shall:
               (1)  use all reasonable means to avoid using deadly
  force against an unarmed suspect; and
               (2)  use the least amount of force necessary to
  restrain an uncooperative suspect, if practicable.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 2.139 to read as follows:
         Art. 2.139.  POLICIES ON APPROPRIATE USE OF FORCE. (a)  In
  this article, "law enforcement agency" means an agency of the
  state, or of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision
  of the state, that employs peace officers.
         (b)  Each law enforcement agency in this state shall adopt a
  policy on the appropriate use of force by officers.
         (c)  The policy must include:
               (1)  guidance on the relevant laws regarding the use of
  deadly force;
               (2)  procedures for dealing with armed and unarmed
               (3)  specific techniques to restrain or subdue a
  suspect without the use of deadly force or restraint that causes
  significant bodily injury; and
               (4)  disciplinary sanctions to be taken against an
  officer who violates the policy.
         (d)  As appropriate, the policy must provide examples of
  specific situations that an officer may encounter and the
  recommended course of action for each situation.
         SECTION 3.  Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (l) to read as follows:
         (l)  As part of the minimum curriculum requirements, the
  commission shall require an officer to complete a training program
  on nonlethal force and nonviolent restraint established by the
  commission under Section 1701.2532.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 1701.2532 to read as follows:
  TRAINING PROGRAM. (a)  The commission shall establish a statewide
  comprehensive education and training program on the use of
  nonlethal force and nonviolent restraint. The training program
  must consist of at least eight hours of classroom instruction and
  practical training in:
               (1)  the appropriate use of force in the continuum of
  situations faced by an officer, including when faced with an
  unarmed suspect;
               (2)  the relevant state and federal law relating to
  force and deadly force;
               (3)  the use of a nightstick, baton, or similar club for
  nonviolent restraint in a manner intended to minimize bodily injury
  to the suspect;
               (4)  the use of pepper spray for subduing a suspect
  without using lethal force; and
               (5)  the use of any other weapons or methods that the
  commission determines by rule.
         (b)  The training program may not be provided as an online
         (c)  At least once every three years, the commission shall
  review the content of the training program under this section and
  update the program as necessary.
         (d)  Except as provided by Section 1701.352(b-1), an officer
  who completes the training program established under this section
  is not required to retake the program.
         (e)  Each officer who has not completed the training program
  as required by Section 1701.253(l) shall complete the training
  program not later than September 1, 2017.
         (f)  Subsection (e) and this subsection expire January 1,
         SECTION 5.  Section 1701.256, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  REQUIRED. A peace officer training program under Section
  1701.251(a) must provide instruction in weapons proficiency. The
  instruction must include training in the use of a nightstick,
  baton, or similar club, pepper spray, and any other weapon the
  commission determines by rule.
         SECTION 6.  Section 1701.352, Occupations Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  The commission shall require each officer to complete
  the training program on nonlethal force and nonviolent restraint
  established by the commission under Section 1701.2532 at least once
  every 36 months.
         SECTION 7.  Each law enforcement agency in this state shall
  adopt the policy required by Article 2.139, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, as added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2016.
         SECTION 8.  Not later than January 1, 2016, the Texas
  Commission on Law Enforcement shall establish the training program
  on nonlethal force and nonviolent restraint as required by Section
  1701.2532, Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.