By: Rodriguez S.B. No. 1082
  relating to the establishment of an informal preliminary hearing
  process before the suspension, revocation, or denial of certain
  occupational licenses as a result of certain criminal convictions.
         SECTION 1.  Section 53.021(a), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Subject to Section 53.02105, a [A] licensing authority
  may suspend or revoke a license, disqualify a person from receiving
  a license, or deny to a person the opportunity to take a licensing
  examination on the grounds that the person has been convicted of:
               (1)  an offense that directly relates to the duties and
  responsibilities of the licensed occupation;
               (2)  an offense that does not directly relate to the
  duties and responsibilities of the licensed occupation and that was
  committed less than five years before the date the person applies
  for the license;
               (3)  an offense listed in Section 3g, Article 42.12,
  Code of Criminal Procedure; or
               (4)  a sexually violent offense, as defined by Article
  62.001, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 53, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 53.02105 to read as follows:
         Sec. 53.02105.  INFORMAL PRELIMINARY HEARING. (a)  Before a
  licensing authority may suspend or revoke a person's license,
  disqualify a person from receiving a license, or deny to a person
  the opportunity to take a licensing examination because of the
  person's conviction for an offense under Section 53.021(a)(1) or
  (2), the licensing authority must: 
               (1)  notify the person of the reason for the licensing
  authority's impending determination, including an explanation of
  the impact that the nature and date of the offense has on that
  determination; and 
               (2)  provide the person an opportunity for an informal
  preliminary hearing before a panel of members or employees of the
  licensing authority with the authority to impose the suspension,
  revocation, disqualification, or denial. 
         (b)  A person who is notified of a licensing authority's
  impending determination under Subsection (a)(1) must request an
  informal preliminary hearing before the licensing authority not
  later than the 45th day after the date the person receives the
  notice.  A licensing authority that receives a request for an
  informal preliminary hearing shall offer to the person, not later
  than the 10th day after the date the licensing authority receives
  the request, two proposed dates for the hearing.  The two proposed
  dates may not be earlier than the 14th day or later than the 45th day
  after the date the licensing authority provides the proposed
  hearing dates to the person.  The person shall notify the licensing
  authority of the person's acceptance of one of the proposed dates at
  least seven days before the date the person accepts. 
         (c)  A person who requests an informal preliminary hearing
  under this section may present at the hearing arguments and
  evidence against the impending suspension, revocation,
  disqualification, or denial. 
         (d)  If a person who is notified of an impending suspension,
  revocation, disqualification, or denial does not request an
  informal preliminary hearing before the licensing authority before
  the 46th day after the date the person receives the notice under
  Subsection (a)(1) or if the person requests a hearing but does not
  timely respond to the notification of proposed dates as required by
  Subsection (b), the licensing authority may suspend or revoke the
  person's license, disqualify the person from receiving a license,
  or deny to the person the opportunity to take a licensing
  examination as provided by Section 53.021(a). 
         (e)  The informal preliminary hearing process established by
  this section does not affect a person's right to administrative and
  judicial review of a licensing authority's suspension, revocation,
  or denial of a license or the opportunity to be examined for a
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.