By: West S.B. No. 1123
  relating to the establishment of the office of early learning
  within the Texas Education Agency.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter E, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 29.15301 and 29.15302 to read as
         Sec. 29.15301.  OFFICE OF EARLY LEARNING.  (a)  The
  commissioner by rule shall establish the office of early learning
  as a division within the agency to:
               (1)  provide oversight of prekindergarten programs and
  prekindergarten funding;
               (2)  provide resources to school districts to ensure
  prekindergarten programs meet quality standards and best
  practices; and
               (3)  assist school districts in developing local
  solutions and improving prekindergarten programs.
         (b)  The office of early learning shall:
               (1)  monitor state funding of prekindergarten
               (2)  adopt accountability standards for the use of
  public funds for prekindergarten programs;
               (3)  create a model contract for school districts to
  use in forming partnerships with child-care centers and federal
  Head Start programs to provide prekindergarten programs;
               (4)  determine the type of data needed from school
  districts to assess prekindergarten programs;
               (5)  publish approved, age-appropriate assessment
  instruments that may be administered to students in prekindergarten
               (6)  create a communication and outreach plan to
  increase collaboration on prekindergarten programs throughout the
               (7)  develop resources for school districts operating
  prekindergarten programs to establish prekindergarten programs on
  a tuition basis; and
               (8)  conduct outreach to school districts to encourage
  the use of the resources developed under Subdivision (7) to
  establish tuition-based prekindergarten programs.
         (c)  The office of early learning shall ensure that an
  assessment instrument administered in a prekindergarten program:
               (1)  includes observation-based assessment;
               (2)  measures the effectiveness of the prekindergarten
  program; and
               (3)  is not used as a basis for teacher evaluation or
  student promotion or retention.
  (a)  The governor's Texas Early Learning Council shall act in an
  advisory role to the office of early learning and provide
  assistance when requested by the office.
         (b)  The council shall hold public meetings to discuss
  requests received from the office of early learning under
  Subsection (a) at least four times each year.  The council may
  address issues relating to the office of early learning during any
  other scheduled meeting of the council.
         (c)  The council shall establish a process for receiving
  public input related to the office of early learning.
         SECTION 2.  Section 29.1534, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b), (c), and (e), and adding Subsection (f)
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The office of early learning [agency] shall develop
  joint strategies with other state agencies regarding methods to
  increase community awareness of prekindergarten programs through
  programs that provide information relating to public assistance
         (c)  The office of early learning [agency] may develop
  outreach materials for use by school districts to increase
  community awareness of prekindergarten programs.
         (e)  The office of early learning [agency] shall provide
  information to school districts regarding effective methods to
  communicate to the parent of an eligible child the availability of
  prekindergarten programs, including information regarding
  prekindergarten programs through public, private, and nonprofit
  institutions that provide assistance and support to families with
  children eligible for prekindergarten programs.
         (f)  On an annual basis each school district shall submit to
  the office of early learning a report that details the district's
  plan for promoting and increasing community awareness of
  prekindergarten programs in the district.
         SECTION 3.  Section 29.154, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  (a)  The commissioner of education, in consultation with the office
  of early learning [commissioner of human services], shall monitor
  and evaluate prekindergarten programs as to their developmental
  appropriateness.  The commissioner and the office [commissioners
  shall also evaluate the potential for coordination on a statewide
  basis of prekindergarten programs with government-funded early
  childhood care and education programs such as child care
  administered under Chapter 44, Human Resources Code, and federal
  Head Start programs.  That evaluation shall use recommendations
  formulated by the office of early learning under Subsection (b) 
  [contained in the report to the 71st Legislature required by
  Chapter 717, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987].  
  For the purpose of providing cost-effective care for children
  during the full workday with developmentally appropriate
  curriculum, the commissioner and the office [commissioners] shall
  investigate the use of existing child-care program sites as
  prekindergarten sites.  Following the evaluation required by this
  section, the commissioner and the office [commissioners], in
  cooperation with school districts and other program
  administrators, shall integrate programs, staff, and program sites
  for prekindergarten, child-care, and federal Head Start programs to
  the greatest extent possible.
         (b)  The office of early learning shall formulate
  recommendations based on national best practices for increasing the
  quality of the state's prekindergarten programs.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 29.158(a) and (d), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In a manner consistent with federal law and regulations,
  each prekindergarten program provider, Head Start and Early Head
  Start program provider, and provider of an after-school child-care
  program provided at a school shall coordinate with the office of
  early learning [agency], the Texas Workforce Commission, and local
  workforce development boards regarding subsidized child-care
         (d)  In coordinating child-care services under this section
  and in making any related decision to contract with another
  provider for child-care services, the office of early learning 
  [agency], Texas Workforce Commission, local workforce development
  boards, and each prekindergarten program provider, Head Start and
  Early Head Start program provider, and provider of an after-school
  child-care program provided at a school shall consider the quality
  of the services involved in the proposed coordination or
  contracting decision and shall give preference to services of the
  highest quality.  Any appropriate indicator of quality services may
  be considered under this subsection, including whether the provider
  of the services:
               (1)  meets Texas Rising Star Program certification
               (2)  is accredited by a nationally recognized
  accrediting organization approved by the Texas Workforce
  Commission and the Department of Family and Protective Services;
               (3)  meets standards developed by the State Center for
  Early Childhood Development; or
               (4)  has achieved any other measurable target relevant
  to improving the quality of child care in this state.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter E, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 29.162 to read as follows:
  learning, the Texas Workforce Commission, the Texas Head Start
  State Collaboration Office, the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services, the Health and Human Services Commission,
  and the Department of Family and Protective Services shall enter
  into a memorandum of understanding regarding the coordination of
  early childhood learning programs, including prekindergarten
  programs.  The memorandum of understanding must:
               (1)  identify opportunities for and barriers to
  collaboration and coordination among federally funded and
  state-funded child development, child-care, and early childhood
  learning programs and services that are administered by the
  agencies that are party to the memorandum; and
               (2)  require the parties to the memorandum to implement
  steps to take advantage of the opportunities and eliminate the
  barriers identified under Subdivision (1) in an effort to establish
  a comprehensive, statewide system of early childhood care and
         (b)  Not later than August of each year, the office of early
  learning and the other agencies and organizations shall review and
  update the memorandum.
         (c)  The rulemaking body for each agency by rule shall adopt
  the memorandum of understanding and all revisions to the
         SECTION 6.  Not later than January 1, 2016, the Texas
  Education Agency, the Texas Workforce Commission, the Texas Head
  Start State Collaboration Office, the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services, the Health and Human Services Commission,
  and the Department of Family and Protective Services shall enter
  into the memorandum of understanding required under Section 29.162,
  Education Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2015.