84R8894 MCK-F
  By: Huffines S.B. No. 1180
  relating to the membership, powers, and duties of the Sunset
  Advisory Commission.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 325.0025 to read as follows:
  primary purpose of the commission is to review a state agency to
  evaluate the need for the agency and to determine whether the agency
  or the agency's functions should be abolished or consolidated in
  order to reduce the cost of state government operations.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 325.003(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),
  (j), and (k), Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The Sunset Advisory Commission consists of four [five]
  members of the [senate and one] public [member] appointed by the
  lieutenant governor, four [and five] members of the [house of
  representatives and one] public [member] appointed by the speaker
  of the house, and one member of the public appointed by the state
  auditor. [The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house may
  serve as one of the legislative appointees.]
         (b)  An individual is not eligible for appointment as a
  commission [public] member if:
               (1)  the individual or the individual's spouse is:
                     (A) [(1)]  regulated by a state agency that the
  commission will review during the term for which the individual
  would serve;
                     (B) [(2)]  employed by, participates in the
  management of, or directly or indirectly has more than a 10 percent
  interest in a business entity or other organization regulated by a
  state agency the commission will review during the term for which
  the individual would serve; [or]
                     (C) [(3)]  required to register as a lobbyist
  under Chapter 305 because of the person's activities for
  compensation on behalf of a profession or entity related to the
  operation of an agency under review;
                     (D)  currently employed or has been employed by
  the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of
  the state at any time during the 10 years immediately preceding the
  date the individual's term of office would begin; or 
                     (E)  an elected or appointed officer of the state
  or a political subdivision of the state; or
               (2)  the individual has ever been an elected official
  of the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of
  the state.
         (c)  It is a ground for removal of a [public] member from the
  commission if the member does not have the qualifications required
  by Subsection (b) for appointment to the commission at the time of
  appointment or does not maintain the qualifications while serving
  on the commission. The validity of the commission's action is not
  affected by the fact that it was taken when a ground for removal of a
  [public] member from the commission existed.
         (d)  Commission [Legislative] members serve four-year terms,
  with terms staggered so that the terms of [as near to] one-half of
  the [legislative] members appointed by the lieutenant governor [as
  possible] and the terms of [as near to] one-half of the
  [legislative] members appointed by the speaker [as possible] expire
  September 1 of each odd-numbered year, and the term of the member
  appointed by the state auditor expires on September 1 of
  alternating odd-numbered years. [If the lieutenant governor or the
  speaker serves on the commission, service continues until
  resignation from the commission or until the individual ceases to
  hold the office. Public members serve two-year terms expiring
  September 1 of each odd-numbered year.]
         (e)  A member of the commission who [Members other than the
  lieutenant governor and the speaker are subject to the following
               [(1)  after an individual] serves three terms [six
  years on the commission, the individual] is not eligible for
  appointment to another term or part of a term. For [;
               [(2)     a legislative member who serves a full term may
  not be appointed to an immediately succeeding term; and
               [(3)     a public member may not serve more than two
  consecutive terms, and, for] purposes of this prohibition, a member
  is considered to have served a term only if the member has served
  more than half of the term.
         (f)  The lieutenant governor, [and] speaker, and state
  auditor shall make their appointments before September 1 of each
  odd-numbered year.
         (j)  Five [Seven] members of the commission constitute a
  quorum. [A final action or recommendation may not be made unless
  approved by a record vote of a majority of members appointed by the
  lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house.] All [other]
  actions by the commission shall be decided by a majority of the
  members present and voting.
         (k)  Each member of the commission is entitled to
  reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in
  performing commission duties[. Each legislative member is entitled
  to reimbursement from the appropriate fund of the member's
  respective house. Each public member is entitled to reimbursement]
  from funds appropriated to the commission.
         SECTION 3.  Section 325.004, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  A commission employee described by Subsection (a) or (b)
  may not be employed for more than 12 years. This subsection does
  not affect the status of a commission employee as an at-will
  employee of the commission.
         SECTION 4.  Section 325.010(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  In the report the commission shall include:
               (1)  its findings regarding the criteria prescribed by
  Section 325.011, including whether the agency should be abolished
  or consolidated with another agency to reduce the cost of state
  government operations;
               (2)  its recommendations based on the matters
  prescribed by Section 325.012; and
               (3)  other information the commission considers
  necessary for a complete review of the agency.
         SECTION 5.  Section 325.015(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  During the regular session immediately before the
  abolition of a state agency or an advisory committee that is subject
  to this chapter, the legislature by law may continue the agency or
  advisory committee for a period not to exceed six [12] years.
         SECTION 6.  Sections 325.003(g) and 325.020, Government
  Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 7.  (a)  The offices of the members of the Sunset
  Advisory Commission serving on the effective date of this Act are
  abolished. The abolition takes effect on the date of the first
  meeting of the commission composed as provided by Section 325.003,
  Government Code, as amended by this Act. Until the commission that
  exists on the effective date of this Act is abolished, the
  commission shall continue to perform its duties under Chapter 325,
  Government Code, as that law existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act.
         (b)  The lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the state auditor, as soon as possible after
  the effective date of this Act, shall appoint members to serve
  initial terms on the Sunset Advisory Commission under Section
  325.003, Government Code, as amended by this Act.
         (c)  At the first meeting of the Texas Sunset Commission
  after the members are appointed under Subsection (b) of this
  section, or as soon as practicable after that meeting, the members
  of the commission appointed by the lieutenant governor and the
  speaker of the house of representatives shall draw lots to
  determine which members will serve terms expiring September 1,
  2017, and which members will serve terms expiring September 1,
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.