relating to the establishment of a workgroup to examine the |
implementation of dating violence awareness and education programs |
in public schools. |
SECTION 1. Section 37.0831, Education Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows: |
(c) The commissioner shall establish a workgroup to make |
recommendations related to ensuring and improving implementation |
of the dating violence policy required under Subsection (a) in |
public schools. The workgroup must be composed of: |
(1) one member from the agency; |
(2) one member from the Texas State Teachers |
Association; |
(3) one member from the Texas American Federation of |
Teachers; |
(4) one member from the Association of Texas |
Professional Educators; |
(5) one member from the Texas Association of School |
Boards; |
(6) one member from the Texas Association of School |
Administrators; |
(7) one member from the Texas School Counselor |
Association; |
(8) one member from the Texas Association of Secondary |
School Principals; |
(9) one member from the Texas School Nurses |
Organization; |
(10) one member from the Texas School Safety Center; |
(11) one member from the Texas High School Coaches |
Association; |
(12) three campus safety officers; |
(13) four members from family violence centers, as |
defined by Section 51.002, Human Resources Code, from different |
geographic regions in this state, including both rural and urban |
areas; |
(14) one member from a statewide family violence |
advocacy organization; |
(15) one member from a statewide sexual assault |
advocacy organization; |
(16) one member from a statewide advocacy organization |
that serves teenage victims of dating violence; |
(17) one member from the intake division or the |
investigation division of the Department of Family and Protective |
Services; |
(18) one member from the Parenting and Paternity |
Awareness program in the office of the attorney general; |
(19) one member from the family violence program in |
the Health and Human Services Commission; |
(20) two members from the Texas Juvenile Justice |
Department, including one member who has experience with juvenile |
probation; and |
(21) one member who is affiliated with a university in |
the state and has expertise in research on dating violence. |
(d) The workgroup shall: |
(1) recommend specific methods of implementing |
training for educators and school administrators under the policy |
required by Subsection (a); |
(2) recommend specific methods of implementing |
awareness education for parents and students under the policy |
required by Subsection (a); |
(3) recommend improvements to the policy required by |
Subsection (a); |
(4) propose amendments to Section 11.252 that would |
incorporate into district-level planning and decision making the |
policy required by Subsection (a); |
(5) examine the intersection between juvenile justice |
and youth dating violence; |
(6) develop strategies for enhancing the safety and |
security of school campuses in the context of dating violence; and |
(7) develop specific approaches for the |
implementation of dating violence training and awareness education |
in middle schools. |
(e) The workgroup established under Subsection (c) shall |
report its recommendations to the legislature not later than |
September 1, 2016. |
(f) This subsection and Subsections (c), (d), and (e) expire |
September 1, 2016. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |