relating to grants to local governmental entities from the Texas |
Military Preparedness Commission. |
SECTION 1. Section 436.202, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsection (e) to |
read as follows: |
(a) From money appropriated for this purpose, the |
commission may make a grant to an eligible local governmental |
entity to: |
(1) enable the entity to match money or meet an |
investment requirement necessary to receive federal assistance |
provided to the local governmental entity for responding to or |
recovering from an event described by Section 436.201(b); |
(2) match the entity's contribution for a purpose |
described by Section 436.203 at a closed or realigned defense |
facility; [or] |
(3) construct infrastructure and other projects |
necessary to accommodate a new or expanded military mission at a |
military base or to reduce the impact of an action of the United |
States Department of Defense that will negatively impact a defense |
facility located in or near the entity; or |
(4) construct affordable single family, multifamily, |
and veteran's supportive housing financed under the low income |
housing tax credit program under Subchapter DD, Chapter 2306. |
(b) The commission may not make a grant for an amount less |
than $50,000 or an amount more than the lesser of: |
(1) 50 percent of the amount of matching money or |
investment that the local governmental entity is required to |
provide, subject to Subsection (c); |
(2) 50 percent of the local governmental entity's |
investment for purposes described by Section 436.203 if federal |
assistance is unavailable; or |
(3) $5 [$2] million. |
(c) If the local governmental entity demonstrates to the |
commission that, because of a limited budget, the entity lacks the |
resources necessary to provide 50 percent of the amount of matching |
money or investment that the entity is required to provide, the |
commission may make a grant in an amount of not more than 80 percent |
of the amount of that matching money or investment requirement but |
may not make a grant in an amount that exceeds $5 [$2] million. |
(e) The commission may make a grant to an eligible local |
governmental entity for a project described by Subsection (a)(4) in |
an amount that does not exceed the lesser of 10 percent of the total |
construction cost of the project or $5 million. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |
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