84R11340 MCK-D
  By: Hall S.B. No. 1433
  relating to the identification of programs and activities in the
  general appropriations bill and the review of state agency
  performance and rules.
         SECTION 1.  Section 322.008, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  The general appropriations bill must, for each state
  agency or other entity to which an appropriation is proposed under
  the bill:
               (1)  include a line item for each specific program or
  activity administered by the agency or entity or by an
  organizational unit of the agency or entity, arranged according to
  the agency's, entity's, or unit's organizational structure, except
  that if a specific program or activity administered by the agency,
  entity, or unit includes identifiable components or subprograms,
  the bill must include a line item for each of those components or
               (2)  specify the amount of the proposed appropriation
  for each line item; and
               (3)  include, for each line item that represents a
  specific program or activity or, if applicable, each group of line
  items representing the components or subprograms of a specific
  program or activity:
                     (A)  a description of the program or activity and
  a citation to the authorization in law for the program or activity;
                     (B)  a statement regarding whether the source of
  the proposed appropriation is nondedicated general revenue money,
  dedicated general revenue money, federal money, or another source.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 325.008(a) and (b), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Before January 1 of the year in which a state agency
  subject to this chapter and its advisory committees are abolished,
  the commission shall:
               (1)  review and take action necessary to verify the
  reports submitted by the agency under Section 325.007;
               (2)  consult the Legislative Budget Board, the
  Governor's Budget, Policy, and Planning Division, the State
  Auditor, and the comptroller of public accounts, or their
  successors, on the application to the agency of the criteria
  provided in Section 325.011;
               (3)  have [conduct] a review of the agency based on the
  criteria provided in Section 325.011 conducted by a private
  performance auditor with whom the commission contracts under
  Section 325.0081 and have the performance auditor prepare a written
  report; and
               (4)  review the implementation of commission
  recommendations contained in the reports presented to the
  legislature during the preceding legislative session and the
  resulting legislation.
         (b)  The written report prepared by the performance auditor
  [commission] under Subsection (a)(3) is a public record.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 325.0081 to read as follows:
         Sec. 325.0081.  PERFORMANCE AUDITOR CONTRACT. The
  commission shall contract with a person to perform the performance
  audits required by this chapter. The contract must require the
  auditor to conduct the performance audits as prescribed by this
         SECTION 4.  Section 325.010(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  In the report the commission shall include:
               (1)  the performance auditor's [its] findings regarding
  the criteria prescribed by Section 325.011;
               (2)  its recommendations based on the matters
  prescribed by Section 325.012; and
               (3)  other information the commission considers
  necessary for a complete review of the agency.
         SECTION 5.  Section 325.011, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 325.011.  CRITERIA FOR REVIEW. The commission, [and]
  its staff, and the performance auditor shall consider the following
  criteria in determining whether a public need exists for the
  continuation of a state agency or its advisory committees or for the
  performance of the functions of the agency or its advisory
               (1)  the efficiency and effectiveness with which the
  agency or the advisory committee operates;
               (2)(A) an identification of the mission, goals, and
  objectives intended for the agency or advisory committee and of the
  problem or need that the agency or advisory committee was intended
  to address; and
                     (B)  the extent to which the mission, goals, and
  objectives have been achieved and the problem or need has been
               (3)(A) an identification of any activities of the
  agency in addition to those granted by statute and of the authority
  for those activities; and
                     (B)  the extent to which those activities are
               (4)  an assessment of authority of the agency relating
  to fees, inspections, enforcement, and penalties;
               (5)  whether less restrictive or alternative methods of
  performing any function that the agency performs could adequately
  protect or provide service to the public;
               (6)  the extent to which the jurisdiction of the agency
  and the programs administered by the agency overlap or duplicate
  those of other agencies, the extent to which the agency coordinates
  with those agencies, and the extent to which the programs
  administered by the agency can be consolidated with the programs of
  other state agencies;
               (7)  the promptness and effectiveness with which the
  agency addresses complaints concerning entities or other persons
  affected by the agency, including an assessment of the agency's
  administrative hearings process;
               (8)  an assessment of the agency's rulemaking process
  and the extent to which the agency has encouraged participation by
  the public in making its rules and decisions and the extent to which
  the public participation has resulted in rules that benefit the
               (9)  the extent to which the agency has complied with:
                     (A)  federal and state laws and applicable rules
  regarding equality of employment opportunity and the rights and
  privacy of individuals; and
                     (B)  state law and applicable rules of any state
  agency regarding purchasing guidelines and programs for
  historically underutilized businesses;
               (10)  the extent to which the agency issues and
  enforces rules relating to potential conflicts of interest of its
               (11)  the extent to which the agency complies with
  Chapters 551 and 552 and follows records management practices that
  enable the agency to respond efficiently to requests for public
               (12)  the effect of federal intervention or loss of
  federal funds if the agency is abolished; and
               (13)  the extent to which the purpose and effectiveness
  of reporting requirements imposed on the agency justifies the
  continuation of the requirement.
         SECTION 6.  Section 325.0127, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  Each state agency reviewed under this chapter shall pay
  the costs incurred by the commission in performing the review. The
  commission shall determine the costs of the review, and the agency
  shall pay the amount of those costs promptly on receipt of a
  statement from the commission regarding those costs. Any reduction
  in the state agency's operating expenses that result from
  implementing the performance auditor's recommendations shall be
  used to pay for the cost of the performance review.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 325.019(b) and (c), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In carrying out its functions under this chapter, the
  commission, [or] its designated staff member, the performance
  auditor, or an employee of the performance auditor may attend any
  meetings and proceedings of any state agency, including any meeting
  or proceeding of the governing body of the agency that is closed to
  the public, and may inspect the records, documents, and files of any
  state agency, including any record, document, or file that is:
               (1)  attorney work product;
               (2)  an attorney-client communication; or
               (3)  made privileged or confidential by law.
         (c)  It is the intent of the legislature to allow the
  commission, [and] its designated staff members, the performance
  auditor, or an employee of the performance auditor to have access to
  all meetings or proceedings of a state agency being reviewed by the
  commission under this chapter and to all records, documents, and
  files of that agency. To the extent that this section conflicts
  with other law that purports to limit the commission's or auditor's 
  access to meetings or proceedings or to records, documents, and
  files, this section controls. If federal law prohibits a state
  agency from disclosing information in a record, document, or file
  to the commission or auditor, including information in a record,
  document, or file created as a result of or considered during a
  meeting or proceeding, the state agency may redact the protected
  information from the record, document, or file.
         SECTION 8.  Sections 325.0195(a), (b), (c), and (d),
  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A working paper, including all documentary or other
  information, prepared or maintained by the commission staff or the
  performance auditor in performing [its] duties under this chapter
  or other law to conduct an evaluation and prepare a report is
  excepted from the public disclosure requirements of Section
         (b)  A record held by another entity that is considered to be
  confidential by law and that the commission or the performance
  auditor receives in connection with the performance of the
  commission's or auditor's duties [functions] under this chapter or
  another law remains confidential and is excepted from the public
  disclosure requirements of Section 552.021.
         (c)  A state agency that provides the commission or the
  performance auditor with access to a privileged or confidential
  communication, record, document, or file under Section 325.019 for
  purposes of a review under this chapter does not waive the
  attorney-client privilege, or any other privilege or
  confidentiality requirement protected or required by the Texas
  Constitution, common law, statutory law, or rules of evidence,
  procedure, or professional conduct, with respect to the
  communication, record, document, or file provided to the commission
  or auditor. For purposes of this subsection, a communication
  includes a discussion that occurs at a meeting or proceeding of the
  state agency that is closed to the public.
         (d)  The state agency may require the commission, [or] the
  members of the commission's staff, the performance auditor, or the
  employees of the performance auditor who view, handle, or are privy
  to information, or who attend a meeting that is not accessible to
  the public, to sign a confidentiality agreement that covers the
  information and requires that:
               (1)  the information not be disclosed outside the
  commission or the auditor's office for purposes other than the
  purpose for which it was received;
               (2)  the information be labeled as confidential;
               (3)  the information be kept securely; and
               (4)  the number of copies made of the information or the
  notes taken from the information that implicate the confidential
  nature of the information be controlled, with all copies or notes
  that are not destroyed or returned to the governmental body
  remaining confidential and subject to the confidentiality
         SECTION 9.  Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 325.025 to read as follows:
         Sec. 325.025.  REVIEW OF RULES. (a) The commission, with the
  assistance of the appropriate standing committee of each house of
  the legislature, shall review each state agency's rules to
  determine whether:
               (1)  the agency has authority to adopt the rule; 
               (2)  the rule is necessary for the administration of
  the agency's functions; and
               (3)  the rule should be repealed or, if applicable, the
  agency should be given authority to adopt the rule.
         (b)  The commission shall prepare a report with the
  commission's findings and recommendations and submit the report to
  the legislature.
         (c)  The commission shall establish a schedule to ensure that
  each state agency's rules are reviewed every six years.
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.