84R11966 AJZ-F
  By: Perry, Hall S.B. No. 1546
  relating to advance directives, including do-not-resuscitate
  orders; creating a criminal offense.
         SECTION 1.  Section 166.002, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivision (12-a)
  to read as follows:
               (1)  "Advance directive" means:
                     (A)  a directive, as that term is defined by
  Section 166.031;
                     (B)  a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order, as that
  term is defined by Section 166.081; or
                     (C)  a medical power of attorney under Subchapter
               (12-a)  "Reasonable medical judgment" means a medical
  judgment that would be made by a reasonably prudent physician,
  knowledgeable about the case and the treatment possibilities with
  respect to the medical conditions involved.
         SECTION 2.  Section 166.033, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.033.  FORM OF WRITTEN DIRECTIVE. A written
  directive may be in the following form:
         Instructions for completing this document:
         This is an important legal document known as an Advance
  Directive. It is designed to help you communicate your wishes about
  medical treatment at some time in the future when you are unable to
  make your wishes known because of illness or injury. These wishes
  are usually based on personal values. In particular, you may want
  to consider what burdens or hardships of treatment you would be
  willing to accept for a particular amount of benefit obtained if you
  were seriously ill.
         You are encouraged to discuss your values and wishes with
  your family or chosen spokesperson, as well as your physician. Your
  physician, other health care provider, or medical institution may
  provide you with various resources to assist you in completing your
  advance directive. Brief definitions are listed below and may aid
  you in your discussions and advance planning. Initial the
  treatment choices that best reflect your personal preferences.
  Provide a copy of your directive to your physician, usual hospital,
  and family or spokesperson. Consider a periodic review of this
  document. By periodic review, you can best assure that the
  directive reflects your preferences.
         In addition to this advance directive, Texas law provides for
  two other types of directives that can be important during a serious
  illness. These are the Medical Power of Attorney and the
  [Out-of-Hospital] Do-Not-Resuscitate Order. A Do-Not-Resuscitate
  Order requires the consent of the patient and the signature of a
  physician.  You may wish to discuss these with your physician,
  family, hospital representative, or other advisers. You may also
  wish to complete a directive related to the donation of organs and
         I, __________, recognize that the best health care is based
  upon a partnership of trust and communication with my physician. My
  physician and I will make health care decisions together as long as
  I am of sound mind and able to make my wishes known. If there comes
  a time that I am unable to make medical decisions about myself
  because of illness or injury, I direct that the following treatment
  preferences be honored:
         If, in the judgment of my physician, I am suffering with a
  terminal condition from which I am expected to die within six
  months, even with available life-sustaining treatment provided in
  accordance with prevailing standards of medical care:
__________ I request that all treatments other than those needed to keep me comfortable be discontinued or withheld and my physician allow me to die as gently as possible; OR
__________ I request that I be kept alive in this terminal condition using available life-sustaining treatment. (THIS SELECTION DOES NOT APPLY TO HOSPICE CARE.)
  If, in the judgment of my physician, I am suffering with an
  irreversible condition so that I cannot care for myself or make
  decisions for myself and am expected to die without life-sustaining
  treatment provided in accordance with prevailing standards of care:
__________ I request that all treatments other than those needed to keep me comfortable be discontinued or withheld and my physician allow me to die as gently as possible; OR
__________ I request that I be kept alive in this irreversible condition using available life-sustaining treatment. (THIS SELECTION DOES NOT APPLY TO HOSPICE CARE.)
         Additional requests: (After discussion with your physician,
  you may wish to consider listing particular treatments in this
  space that you do or do not want in specific circumstances, such as
  artificial nutrition and fluids, intravenous antibiotics, etc. Be
  sure to state whether you do or do not want the particular
         After signing this directive, if my representative or I elect
  hospice care, I understand and agree that only those treatments
  needed to keep me comfortable would be provided and I would not be
  given available life-sustaining treatments.
         If I do not have a Medical Power of Attorney, and I am unable
  to make my wishes known, I designate the following person(s) to make
  treatment decisions with my physician compatible with my personal
1. __________
2. __________
         (If a Medical Power of Attorney has been executed, then an
  agent already has been named and you should not list additional
  names in this document.)
         If the above persons are not available, or if I have not
  designated a spokesperson, I understand that a spokesperson will be
  chosen for me following standards specified in the laws of Texas.
  If, in the judgment of my physician, my death is imminent within
  minutes to hours, even with the use of all available medical
  treatment provided within the prevailing standard of care, I
  acknowledge that all treatments may be withheld or removed except
  those needed to maintain my comfort. I understand that under Texas
  law this directive has no effect if I have been diagnosed as
  pregnant. This directive will remain in effect until I revoke it.
  No other person may do so.
         Signed__________ Date__________ City, County, State of
  Residence __________
         Two competent adult witnesses must sign below, acknowledging
  the signature of the declarant. The witness designated as Witness 1
  may not be a person designated to make a treatment decision for the
  patient and may not be related to the patient by blood or marriage.
  This witness may not be entitled to any part of the estate and may
  not have a claim against the estate of the patient. This witness
  may not be the attending physician or an employee of the attending
  physician. If this witness is an employee of a health care facility
  in which the patient is being cared for, this witness may not be
  involved in providing direct patient care to the patient. This
  witness may not be an officer, director, partner, or business
  office employee of a health care facility in which the patient is
  being cared for or of any parent organization of the health care
         Witness 1 __________ Witness 2 __________
         "Artificial nutrition and hydration" means the provision of
  nutrients or fluids by a tube inserted in a vein, under the skin in
  the subcutaneous tissues, or in the stomach (gastrointestinal
         "Irreversible condition" means a condition, injury, or
               (1)  that may be treated, but is never cured or
               (2)  that leaves a person unable to care for or make
  decisions for the person's own self; and
               (3)  that, without life-sustaining treatment provided
  in accordance with the prevailing standard of medical care, is
         Explanation: Many serious illnesses such as cancer, failure
  of major organs (kidney, heart, liver, or lung), and serious brain
  disease such as Alzheimer's dementia may be considered irreversible
  early on. There is no cure, but the patient may be kept alive for
  prolonged periods of time if the patient receives life-sustaining
  treatments. Late in the course of the same illness, the disease may
  be considered terminal when, even with treatment, the patient is
  expected to die. You may wish to consider which burdens of
  treatment you would be willing to accept in an effort to achieve a
  particular outcome. This is a very personal decision that you may
  wish to discuss with your physician, family, or other important
  persons in your life.
         "Life-sustaining treatment" means treatment that, based on
  reasonable medical judgment, sustains the life of a patient and
  without which the patient will die. The term includes both
  life-sustaining medications and artificial life support such as
  mechanical breathing machines, kidney dialysis treatment, and
  artificial hydration and nutrition. The term does not include the
  administration of pain management medication, the performance of a
  medical procedure necessary to provide comfort care, or any other
  medical care provided to alleviate a patient's pain.
         "Terminal condition" means an incurable condition caused by
  injury, disease, or illness that according to reasonable medical
  judgment will produce death within six months, even with available
  life-sustaining treatment provided in accordance with the
  prevailing standard of medical care.
         Explanation: Many serious illnesses may be considered
  irreversible early in the course of the illness, but they may not be
  considered terminal until the disease is fairly advanced. In
  thinking about terminal illness and its treatment, you again may
  wish to consider the relative benefits and burdens of treatment and
  discuss your wishes with your physician, family, or other important
  persons in your life.
         SECTION 3.  Section 166.039, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (b), (e), and (g) and adding
  Subsections (e-1), (e-2), and (e-3) to read as follows:
         (b)  If the patient does not have a legal guardian, [or] an
  agent under a medical power of attorney, or an advance directive,
  the attending physician and one person[, if available,] from one of
  the following categories, in the following priority, may make a
  treatment decision that may include a decision to withhold or
  withdraw life-sustaining treatment:
               (1)  the patient's spouse;
               (2)  the patient's reasonably available adult children;
               (3)  the patient's parents; or
               (4)  the patient's nearest living relative.
         (e)  If the patient does not have a legal guardian and a
  person listed in Subsection (b) is not available, in order for a
  treatment decision under Subsection (b) to be made, the health care
  facility must file an application for temporary guardianship under
  Chapter 1251, Estates Code, for the appointment of a person who is
  not involved in the treatment of the patient or associated with or
  employed by the health care facility to serve as a temporary
  guardian for the patient for the limited purpose of making a
  treatment decision [made] under Subsection (b) [must be concurred
  in by another physician who is not involved in the treatment of the
  patient or who is a representative of an ethics or medical committee
  of the health care facility in which the person is a patient].
         (e-1)  The term of a temporary guardian appointed under a
  temporary guardianship created pursuant to Subsection (e) expires
  on the date a court enters an order finding that the patient's legal
  guardian or a person listed in Subsection (b) is available to make a
  treatment decision under this section.  When the patient's legal
  guardian or a person listed in Subsection (b) becomes available,
  that person may make a treatment decision according to Subsection
         (e-2)  If a person listed in Subsection (b) is not
  immediately available to make a treatment decision under this
  section, the attending physician or the attending physician's
  designee shall notify each person listed in Subsection (b) of the
  need for a qualified person to make a treatment decision under this
  section by:
               (1)  personally delivering notice to the person; or
               (2)  providing written notice sent by certified mail,
  restricted delivery, return receipt requested, to the last known
  address of the person.
         (e-3)  A person is considered not available for the purposes
  of Subsection (e) if 48 hours have elapsed since personal notice was
  provided under Subsection (e-2)(1), or 72 hours have elapsed since
  the return receipt for the written notice was received under
  Subsection (e-2)(2), and the person who was notified remains
  unavailable to make a treatment decision under this section.
         (g)  A person listed in Subsection (b) who wishes to
  challenge a treatment decision made under this section may [must]
  apply for temporary guardianship under Chapter 1251, Estates
  [Section 875, Texas Probate] Code. The court may waive applicable
  fees in that proceeding.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter B, Chapter 166, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 166.054 to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.054.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to facilities licensed under Chapter 142.
         SECTION 5.  The heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 166, Health
  and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 6.  Sections 166.081(2), (6), (9), and (10), Health
  and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "DNR identification device" means an
  identification device specified by department rule [the board]
  under Section 166.101 that is worn for the purpose of identifying a
  person who has executed or issued a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order
  or on whose behalf a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order has been
  executed or issued under this subchapter.
               (6)  "[Out-of-hospital] DNR order":
                     (A)  means a legally binding [out-of-hospital]
  do-not-resuscitate order, in the form specified by department rule 
  [the board] under Section 166.083, prepared and signed in
  accordance with Section 166.082, 166.084, 166.085, or 166.0855 [by
  the attending physician of a person], that documents the
  instructions of a person or the person's legally authorized
  representative and directs health care professionals to withhold or
  withdraw one or more of [acting in an out-of-hospital setting not to
  initiate or continue] the following treatments [life-sustaining
                           (i)  cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
                           (ii)  [advanced airway management;
                           [(iii)  artificial ventilation;
                           [(iv)]  defibrillation; and
                           (iii) [(v)]  transcutaneous cardiac
  pacing[; and
                           [(vi)     other life-sustaining treatment
  specified by the board under Section 166.101(a)]; and
                     (B)  does not include authorization to withhold or
                           (i)  medical interventions or therapies
  [considered] necessary to provide comfort care or to alleviate
  pain; or
                           (ii)  fluids [to provide water] or
  nutrition, including fluids or nutrition by mouth or by nasogastric
  tube or artificial nutrition and hydration.
               (9)  "Qualified relatives" means those persons
  authorized to execute or issue a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order on
  behalf of a person who is incompetent or otherwise mentally or
  physically incapable of communication under Section 166.088.
               (10)  "Statewide [out-of-hospital] DNR protocol" means
  a set of statewide standardized procedures adopted by the executive
  commissioner [board] under Section 166.101(a) for withholding or
  withdrawing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other
  treatments listed in Subdivision (6) [life-sustaining treatment]
  by health care professionals [acting in out-of-hospital settings].
         SECTION 7.  Sections 166.082, 166.083, 166.084, and 166.085,
  Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
  PHYSICIANS. (a) A competent person may at any time execute a
  written [out-of-hospital] DNR order directing health care
  professionals [acting in an out-of-hospital setting] to withhold
  cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other treatments listed
  in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment designated by the
         (b)  Except as provided by this subsection, the declarant
  must sign the [out-of-hospital] DNR order in the presence of two
  witnesses who qualify under Section 166.003, at least one of whom
  must be a witness who qualifies under Section 166.003(2).  The
  witnesses must sign the order.  The attending physician of the
  declarant must sign the order and shall make the fact of the
  existence of the order and the reasons for execution of the order a
  part of the declarant's medical record.  The declarant, in lieu of
  signing in the presence of witnesses, may sign the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order and have the signature acknowledged
  before a notary public.
         (c)  If the person is incompetent but previously executed or
  issued a directive to physicians in accordance with Subchapter B,
  the physician may rely on the directive as the person's
  instructions to issue a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order and shall
  place a copy of the directive in the person's medical record.  The
  physician shall sign the order in lieu of the person signing under
  Subsection (b) and may use a digital or electronic signature
  authorized under Section 166.011.
         (d)  If the person is incompetent but previously executed or
  issued a directive to physicians in accordance with Subchapter B
  designating a proxy, the proxy may make any decisions required of
  the designating person as to a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order and
  shall sign the order in lieu of the person signing under Subsection
         (e)  If the person is now incompetent but previously executed
  or issued a medical power of attorney designating an agent, the
  agent may make any decisions required of the designating person as
  to a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order and shall sign the order in lieu
  of the person signing under Subsection (b).
         (f)  The executive commissioner [board], on the
  recommendation of the department, shall by rule adopt procedures
  for the disposition and maintenance of records of an original
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order and any copies of the order.
         (g)  A [An out-of-hospital] DNR order is effective on its
         Sec. 166.083.  FORM OF [OUT-OF-HOSPITAL] DNR ORDER. (a) A
  written [out-of-hospital] DNR order shall be in the standard form
  that complies with this subchapter specified by department [board]
  rule as recommended by the department.
         (b)  The standard form of a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order
  specified by department rule [the board] must, at a minimum,
  contain the following:
               (1)  a distinctive single-page format that readily
  identifies the document as a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order;
               (2)  a title that readily identifies the document as a
  [an out-of-hospital] DNR order;
               (3)  the printed or typed name of the person;
               (4)  a statement that the physician signing the
  document is the attending physician of the person and that the
  physician is directing health care professionals to withhold or
  withdraw [acting in out-of-hospital settings, including a hospital
  emergency department, not to initiate or continue] certain
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining
  treatment] on behalf of the person, and a listing of those
  procedures the patient has decided should be withheld or withdrawn
  [not to be initiated or continued];
               (5)  a statement that the person understands that the
  person may revoke the [out-of-hospital] DNR order at any time by
  destroying the order and removing the DNR identification device, if
  any, or by communicating to health care professionals [at the
  scene] the person's desire to revoke the [out-of-hospital] DNR
               (6)  places for the printed names and signatures of the
  witnesses or the notary public's acknowledgment and for the printed
  name and signature of the attending physician of the person and the
  medical license number of the attending physician;
               (7)  a separate section for execution of the document
  by the legal guardian of the person, the person's proxy, an agent of
  the person having a medical power of attorney, or the attending
  physician attesting to the issuance of a [an out-of-hospital] DNR
  order by nonwritten means of communication or acting in accordance
  with a previously executed or previously issued directive to
  physicians under Section 166.082(c) that includes the following:
                     (A)  a statement that the legal guardian, the
  proxy, the agent, or the person by nonwritten means of
  communication[, or the physician] directs that one or more of the
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [each listed
  life-sustaining treatment] should [not] be withheld or withdrawn on
  [initiated or continued in] behalf of the person; and
                     (B)  places for the printed names and signatures
  of the witnesses and, as applicable, the legal guardian, proxy, or
  agent[, or physician];
               (8)  a separate section for execution of the document
  by at least one qualified relative of the person when the person
  does not have a legal guardian, proxy, or agent having a medical
  power of attorney and is incompetent or otherwise mentally or
  physically incapable of communication, including:
                     (A)  a statement that the relative of the person
  is qualified to make a treatment decision under Section 166.088 to
  withhold or withdraw cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain
  other designated treatments listed in Section 166.081(6)
  [life-sustaining treatment under Section 166.088] and, based on the
  known desires of the person or a determination of the best interest
  of the person, directs that one or more of the treatments listed in
  Section 166.081(6) [each listed life-sustaining treatment] should
  [not] be withheld or withdrawn on [initiated or continued in]
  behalf of the person; and
                     (B)  places for the printed names and signatures
  of the witnesses and qualified relative of the person;
               (9)  a place for entry of the date of execution of the
               (10)  a statement that the document is in effect on the
  date of its execution and remains in effect until the death of the
  person or until the document is revoked;
               (11)  a statement that the document must accompany the
  person during transport;
               (12)  a statement regarding the proper disposition of
  the document or copies of the document, as the executive
  commissioner [board] determines appropriate; and
               (13)  a statement at the bottom of the document, with
  places for the signature of each person executing the document,
  that the document has been properly completed.
         (b-1)  Except as provided by Subsection (b-2), a written DNR
  order may be executed based on the oral instructions of a person,
  provided the order complies with Section 166.0855.
         (b-2)  A DNR order by a physician must be in writing and
  comply with the requirements of Section 166.0855.
         (c)  The executive commissioner [board] may, by rule and as
  recommended by the department, modify the standard form of the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order described by Subsection (b) in order to
  accomplish the provisions and purposes of this subchapter.
         (d)  A photocopy or other complete facsimile of the original
  written [out-of-hospital] DNR order executed under this subchapter
  may be used for any purpose for which the original written order may
  be used under this subchapter.
  NONWRITTEN COMMUNICATION. (a) A competent person who is an adult
  may issue a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order by nonwritten
         (b)  A declarant must issue the nonwritten [out-of-hospital]
  DNR order in the presence of the attending physician and two
  witnesses who qualify under Section 166.003, at least one of whom
  must be a witness who qualifies under Section 166.003(2).
         (c)  The attending physician and witnesses shall sign the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order in the place of the document provided
  by Section 166.083(b)(7) and the attending physician shall sign the
  document in the place required by Section 166.083(b)(13). The
  physician shall make the fact of the existence of the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order a part of the patient's [declarant's]
  medical record and the names of the witnesses shall be entered in
  the medical record.
         (d)  A [An out-of-hospital] DNR order issued in the manner
  provided by this section is valid and shall be honored by responding
  health care professionals as if executed in the manner provided by
  Section 166.082.
  BEHALF OF [OR A] MINOR. (a) The following persons may execute a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order on behalf of a minor:
               (1)  the minor's parents;
               (2)  the minor's legal guardian; or
               (3)  the minor's managing conservator.
         (b)  A person listed under Subsection (a) may not execute a
  [an out-of-hospital] DNR order unless the minor has been diagnosed
  by a physician as suffering from a terminal or irreversible
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter C, Chapter 166, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 166.0855 to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.0855.  DNR ORDERS APPLICABLE. A DNR order is valid
  only if it is issued in compliance with:
               (1)  the directions of the patient, if competent, given
  orally or otherwise in the presence of a person authorized to make a
  treatment decision under Section 166.039;
               (2)  the directions in an advance directive enforceable
  in accordance with Section 166.005 or executed in accordance with
  Section 166.032, 166.034, or 166.035;
               (3)  the directions of the patient's legal guardian or
  agent under a medical power of attorney acting in compliance with
  Subchapter D;
               (4)  a treatment decision made in accordance with
  Section 166.039; or
               (5)  the reasonable medical judgment of the patient's
  attending physician that the patient's death is imminent within 24
  hours even if cardiopulmonary resuscitation is provided.
         SECTION 9.  Sections 166.086, 166.087, 166.088, 166.089,
  166.090, 166.091, 166.092, 166.093, 166.094, 166.095, 166.096, and
  166.097, Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.086.  DESIRE OF PERSON SUPERSEDES
  [OUT-OF-HOSPITAL] DNR ORDER. The desire of a competent person,
  including a competent minor, supersedes the effect of a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order executed or issued by or on behalf of the
  person when the desire is communicated to responding health care
  professionals as provided by this subchapter.
  INCAPABLE OF COMMUNICATION. (a) This section applies when a person
  18 years of age or older has executed or issued a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order and subsequently becomes incompetent or
  otherwise mentally or physically incapable of communication.
         (b)  If the adult person has designated a person to make a
  treatment decision as authorized by Section 166.032(c), the
  attending physician and the designated person shall comply with the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order.
         (c)  If the adult person has not designated a person to make a
  treatment decision as authorized by Section 166.032(c), the
  attending physician shall comply with the [out-of-hospital] DNR
  order unless the physician believes that the order does not reflect
  the person's present desire.
  OF COMMUNICATION. (a) If an adult person has not executed or
  issued a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order and is incompetent or
  otherwise mentally or physically incapable of communication, the
  attending physician and the person's legal guardian, proxy, or
  agent having a medical power of attorney may execute a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order on behalf of the person.
         (b)  If the person does not have a legal guardian, proxy, or
  agent under a medical power of attorney, the attending physician
  and at least one qualified relative from a category listed by
  Section 166.039(b), subject to the priority established under that
  subsection, may execute a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order in the
  same manner as a treatment decision made under Section 166.039(b).
         (c)  A decision to execute a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order
  made under Subsection (a) or (b) must be based on knowledge of what
  the person would desire, if known.
         (d)  A [An out-of-hospital] DNR order executed under
  Subsection (b) must be made in the presence of at least two
  witnesses who qualify under Section 166.003, at least one of whom
  must be a witness who qualifies under Section 166.003(2).
         (e)  The fact that an adult person has not executed or issued
  a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order does not create a presumption that
  the person does not want a treatment decision made to withhold or
  withdraw cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other
  designated treatments listed in Section 166.081(6)
  [life-sustaining treatment designated by the board].
         (f)  If there is not a qualified relative available to act
  for the person under Subsection (b), in order for a decision to be
  made to execute a DNR order under Subsection (a) or (b), the health
  care facility must file an application for temporary guardianship
  under Chapter 1251, Estates Code, for the appointment of a person
  who is not involved in the treatment of the patient or associated
  with or employed by the health care facility to serve as a temporary
  guardian for the patient for the limited purpose of making a
  decision about a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order [must be concurred
  in by another physician who is not involved in the treatment of the
  patient or who is a representative of the ethics or medical
  committee of the health care facility in which the person is a
         (f-1)  The term of a temporary guardian appointed under a
  temporary guardianship created pursuant to Subsection (f) expires
  on the date a court enters an order finding that a qualified
  relative is available to make a decision about a DNR order. When the
  patient's legal guardian or a person listed in Subsection (b)
  becomes available, that person may make a treatment decision
  according to Subsection (a) or (b).
         (f-2)  If a qualified relative is not immediately available
  to make a treatment decision under Subsection (b), the attending
  physician or the attending physician's designee shall notify each
  qualified relative of the need for a qualified relative to make a
  treatment decision under this section by:
               (1)  personally delivering notice to the person; or
               (2)  providing written notice sent by certified mail,
  restricted delivery, return receipt requested, to the last known
  address of the person.
         (f-3)  A qualified relative is considered not available for
  the purposes of Subsection (f) only if 48 hours have elapsed since
  personal notice was provided under Subsection (f-2)(1), or 72 hours
  have elapsed since the return receipt for the written notice was
  received under Subsection (f-2)(2), and the qualified relative who
  was notified remains unavailable to make a treatment decision under
  this section.
         (g)  A person listed in Section 166.039(b) who wishes to
  challenge a decision made under this section must apply for
  temporary guardianship under Chapter 1251, Estates [Section 875,
  Texas Probate] Code. The court may waive applicable fees in that
  (a) When responding to a call for assistance in an out-of-hospital
  setting, health care professionals shall honor a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order in accordance with the statewide
  [out-of-hospital] DNR protocol and, where applicable, locally
  adopted [out-of-hospital] DNR protocols not in conflict with the
  statewide protocol if:
               (1)  the responding health care professionals discover
  an executed or issued [out-of-hospital] DNR order form on their
  arrival at the scene; and
               (2)  the responding health care professionals comply
  with this section.
         (b)  If the person is wearing a DNR identification device,
  the responding health care professionals must comply with Section
         (c)  The responding health care professionals must establish
  the identity of the person as the person who executed or issued the
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order or for whom the [out-of-hospital] DNR
  order was executed or issued.
         (d)  The responding health care professionals must determine
  that the [out-of-hospital] DNR order form appears to be valid in
  that it includes:
               (1)  written responses in the places designated on the
  form for the names, signatures, and other information required of
  persons executing or issuing, or witnessing or acknowledging as
  applicable, the execution or issuance of, the order;
               (2)  a date in the place designated on the form for the
  date the order was executed or issued; and
               (3)  the signature or digital or electronic signature
  of the declarant or persons executing or issuing the order and the
  attending physician in the appropriate places designated on the
  form for indicating that the order form has been properly
         (e)  If the conditions prescribed by Subsections (a) through
  (d) are not determined to apply by the responding health care
  professionals at the scene, the [out-of-hospital] DNR order may not
  be honored and life-sustaining procedures otherwise required by law
  or local emergency medical services protocols shall be initiated or
  continued. Health care professionals acting in out-of-hospital
  settings are not required to accept or interpret a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order that does not meet the requirements of
  this subchapter.
         (f)  The [out-of-hospital] DNR order form or a copy of the
  form, when available, must accompany the person during transport.
         (g)  A record shall be made and maintained of the
  circumstances of each emergency medical services response in which
  a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order or DNR identification device is
  encountered, in accordance with the statewide [out-of-hospital]
  DNR protocol and any applicable local [out-of-hospital] DNR
  protocol not in conflict with the statewide protocol.
         (h)  A [An out-of-hospital] DNR order executed or issued and
  documented or evidenced in the manner prescribed by this subchapter
  is valid and shall be honored by responding health care
  professionals in an out-of-hospital setting unless the person or
  persons found at the scene:
               (1)  identify themselves as the declarant or as the
  attending physician, legal guardian, qualified relative, or agent
  of the person having a medical power of attorney who executed or
  issued the [out-of-hospital] DNR order on behalf of the person; and
               (2)  request that cardiopulmonary resuscitation or
  certain other treatments listed in Section 166.081(6)
  [life-sustaining treatment designated by the board] be initiated or
         (i)  If the policies of a health care facility preclude
  compliance with the [out-of-hospital] DNR order of a person or a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order issued by an attending physician on
  behalf of a person who is admitted to or a resident of the facility,
  or if the facility is unwilling to accept DNR identification
  devices as evidence of the existence of a [an out-of-hospital] DNR
  order, that facility shall take all reasonable steps to notify the
  person or, if the person is incompetent, the person's guardian or
  the person or persons having authority to make health care
  treatment decisions on behalf of the person, of the facility's
  policy and shall take all reasonable steps to effect the transfer of
  the person to the person's home or to a facility where the
  provisions of this subchapter can be carried out.
         Sec. 166.090.  DNR IDENTIFICATION DEVICE. (a) A person who
  has a valid [out-of-hospital] DNR order under this subchapter and
  has chosen to have all treatments listed in Section 166.081(6)
  withheld or withdrawn may wear a DNR identification device around
  the neck or on the wrist as prescribed by department [board] rule
  adopted under Section 166.101.
         (b)  The presence of a DNR identification device on the body
  of a person is conclusive evidence that the person has executed or
  issued a valid [out-of-hospital] DNR order or has a valid
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order executed or issued on the person's
  behalf. Responding health care professionals shall honor the DNR
  identification device as if a valid [out-of-hospital] DNR order
  form executed or issued by the person, which indicated the choice
  for all treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) to be withheld or
  withdrawn, were found in the possession of the person.
         Sec. 166.091.  DURATION OF [OUT-OF-HOSPITAL] DNR ORDER. A
  [An out-of-hospital] DNR order is effective until it is revoked as
  prescribed by Section 166.092.
  (a) A patient or other declarant, without regard to the patient's
  or other declarant's mental state or competency, or another person
  authorized to make a treatment decision in Section 166.039  may
  revoke a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order at any time [without regard
  to the declarant's mental state or competency]. An order may be
  revoked by[:
               [(1)     the declarant or someone in the declarant's
  presence and at the declarant's direction destroying the order form
  and removing the DNR identification device, if any;
               [(2)     a person who identifies himself or herself as the
  legal guardian, as a qualified relative, or as the agent of the
  declarant having a medical power of attorney who executed the
  out-of-hospital DNR order or another person in the person's
  presence and at the person's direction destroying the order form
  and removing the DNR identification device, if any;
               [(3)]  the patient or other declarant, or a person who
  identifies himself or herself as the legal guardian, a qualified
  relative, or the agent of the patient having a medical power of
  attorney, communicating orally or in another manner the person's
  [declarant's] intent to revoke the order[; or
               [(4)     a person who identifies himself or herself as the
  legal guardian, a qualified relative, or the agent of the declarant
  having a medical power of attorney who executed the out-of-hospital
  DNR order orally stating the person's intent to revoke the order].
         (b)  A [An oral] revocation of a DNR order under Subsection
  (a) [(a)(3) or (a)(4)] takes effect only when the patient or other 
  declarant or a person who identifies himself or herself as the legal
  guardian, a qualified relative, or the agent of the patient
  [declarant] having a medical power of attorney [who executed the
  out-of-hospital DNR order] communicates the intent to revoke the
  order to the responding health care professionals or the attending
  physician [at the scene]. The responding health care professionals
  shall record the time, date, and place of the revocation in
  accordance with the statewide [out-of-hospital] DNR protocol and
  rules adopted by the executive commissioner [board] and any
  applicable local [out-of-hospital] DNR protocol. The attending
  physician or the physician's designee shall record in the person's
  medical record the time, date, and place of the revocation and, if
  different, the time, date, and place that the physician received
  notice of the revocation. The attending physician or the
  physician's designee shall also enter the word "VOID" on each page
  of the copy of the order in the person's medical record and enter
  and note the revocation in all relevant electronic medical records
  of the patient.
         (c)  Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, a
  person is not civilly or criminally liable for failure to act on a
  revocation made under this section unless the person has actual
  knowledge of the revocation.
         (d)  If a licensed health care professional does not comply
  with a revocation under Subsection (a), the patient or other
  declarant, the legal guardian, a qualified relative, or an agent of
  the patient having medical power of attorney may bring an action to
  obtain an injunction to enforce the revocation from a court of
  competent jurisdiction.
         (e)  A person who seeks an injunction under Subsection (d)
               (1)  prove that the person is authorized to make a
  treatment decision on behalf of the patient under Section 166.039;
               (2)  express a desire to revoke the DNR order.
         (f)  A court considering a request for an injunction under
  Subsection (d) may not require a person seeking an injunction under
  Subsection (d) to:
               (1)  pay the attorney's fees of an opposing party;
               (2)  provide expert testimony in support of the
  injunction; or
               (3)  establish irreparable harm.
  A declarant may at any time reexecute or reissue a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order in accordance with the procedures
  prescribed by Section 166.082, including reexecution or reissuance
  after the declarant is diagnosed as having a terminal or
  irreversible condition.
  [LIFE-SUSTAINING] PROCEDURES. (a) A health care professional or
  health care facility or entity that in good faith causes
  cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other treatments listed
  in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment designated by the
  board] to be withheld or withdrawn from a person in accordance with
  this subchapter is not civilly liable for that action.
         (b)  A health care professional or health care facility or
  entity that in good faith participates in withholding or
  withdrawing cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment
  designated by the board] from a person in accordance with this
  subchapter is not civilly liable for that action.
         (c)  A health care professional or health care facility or
  entity that in good faith participates in withholding or
  withdrawing cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment
  designated by the board] from a person in accordance with this
  subchapter is not criminally liable or guilty of unprofessional
  conduct as a result of that action.
         (d)  A health care professional or health care facility or
  entity that in good faith causes or participates in withholding or
  withdrawing cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment
  designated by the board] from a person in accordance with this
  subchapter and rules adopted under this subchapter is not in
  violation of any other licensing or regulatory laws or rules of this
  state and is not subject to any disciplinary action or sanction by
  any licensing or regulatory agency of this state as a result of that
  professional or health care facility or entity that has no actual
  knowledge of a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order is not civilly or
  criminally liable for failing to act in accordance with the order.
         (b)  A health care professional or health care facility or
  entity is not subject to review and disciplinary action by the
  appropriate licensing board for failing to effectuate a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order if the decision was made in good faith.
  This subsection does not limit remedies available under other laws
  of this state.
         (c)  If an attending physician refuses to execute or comply
  with a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order, the physician shall inform
  the person, the legal guardian or qualified relatives of the
  person, or the agent of the person having a medical power of
  attorney and, if the person or another authorized to act on behalf
  of the person so directs, shall make a reasonable effort to transfer
  the person to another physician who is willing to execute or comply
  with a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order.
  CONSTITUTE OFFENSE OF AIDING SUICIDE. A person does not commit an
  offense under Section 22.08, Penal Code, by withholding
  cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other treatments listed
  in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment designated by the
  board] from a person in accordance with this subchapter.
         Sec. 166.097.  CRIMINAL PENALTY; PROSECUTION. (a) A person
  commits an offense if the person intentionally conceals, cancels,
  defaces, obliterates, or damages another person's
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order or DNR identification device without
  that person's consent or the consent of the person or persons
  authorized to execute or issue a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order on
  behalf of the person under this subchapter. An offense under this
  subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
         (b)  A person is subject to prosecution for criminal homicide
  under Chapter 19, Penal Code, if the person, with the intent to
  cause cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain other treatments
  listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment designated
  by the board] to be withheld or withdrawn from another person
  contrary to the other person's desires, falsifies or forges a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order or intentionally conceals or withholds
  personal knowledge of a revocation and thereby directly causes
  cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other treatments listed
  in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining treatment designated by the
  board] to be withheld or withdrawn from the other person with the
  result that the other person's death is hastened.
         (c)  A health care professional commits an offense if the
  person knowingly executes a DNR order that is not in compliance with
  the provisions of this subchapter. An offense under this subsection
  is a felony of the third degree.
         SECTION 10.  Subchapter C, Chapter 166, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 166.0975 to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.0975.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION. The Texas Medical
  Board shall take disciplinary action under Chapter 164, Occupations
  Code, against a person who violates this chapter.
         SECTION 11.  Sections 166.098, 166.100, 166.101, and
  166.102, Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.098.  PREGNANT PERSONS. A person may not withhold
  or withdraw cardiopulmonary resuscitation or certain treatments
  listed in Section 166.081(6) [other life-sustaining treatment
  designated by the board] under this subchapter from a person known
  by the responding health care professionals to be pregnant.
  This subchapter does not impair or supersede any legal right or
  responsibility a patient or other person authorized to make a
  treatment decision under Section 166.039 may have under a
  constitution, other statute, regulation, or court decision to
  effect the withholding or withdrawing of cardiopulmonary
  resuscitation or certain other treatments listed in Section
  166.081(6) from himself or herself or the patient for whom the
  person has been authorized to make a treatment decision under
  Section 166.039 [life-sustaining treatment designated by the
  COMMISSIONER [BOARD]. (a) The executive commissioner [board]
  shall, on the recommendation of the department, adopt all
  reasonable and necessary rules to carry out the provisions and 
  purposes of this subchapter, including rules:
               (1)  adopting a statewide [out-of-hospital] DNR order
  protocol that sets out standard procedures for the withholding or
  withdrawing of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other
  treatments listed in Section 166.081(6) [life-sustaining
  treatment] by health care professionals that addresses each of the
  methods for executing the DNR order described in Section 166.082,
  subject to Sections 166.084, 166.085, and 166.092 [acting in
  out-of-hospital settings];
               (2)  [designating life-sustaining treatment that may
  be included in an out-of-hospital DNR order, including all
  procedures listed in Sections 166.081(6)(A)(i) through (v); and
               [(3)]  governing recordkeeping in circumstances in
  which a [an out-of-hospital] DNR order or DNR identification device
  is encountered by responding health care professionals; and
               (3)  explicitly specifying that a DNR order may be
  issued by a physician only in compliance with the methods for
  executing the DNR order described in Section 166.082, subject to
  Sections 166.084, 166.085, and 166.0855.
         (b)  The rules adopted [by the board] under Subsection (a)
  are not effective until approved by the Texas Medical [State] Board
  [of Medical Examiners].
         (c)  Local emergency medical services authorities may adopt
  local [out-of-hospital] DNR order protocols if the local protocols
  do not conflict with the statewide [out-of-hospital] DNR order
  protocol adopted by the executive commissioner [board].
         (d)  The executive commissioner [board] by rule shall
  specify a distinctive standard design for a necklace and a bracelet
  DNR identification device that signifies, when worn by a person,
  that the possessor has executed or issued a valid [out-of-hospital]
  DNR order under this subchapter or is a person for whom a valid
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order has been executed or issued.
         (e)  The department shall report to the executive
  commissioner [board] from time to time regarding issues identified
  in emergency medical services responses in which a [an
  out-of-hospital] DNR order or DNR identification device is
  encountered. The report may contain recommendations to the
  executive commissioner [board] for necessary modifications to the
  form of the standard [out-of-hospital] DNR order or the designated
  [life-sustaining] procedures listed in the standard
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order, the statewide [out-of-hospital] DNR
  order protocol, or the DNR identification devices.
  PERSONNEL RESPONDING TO CALL. [(a) Except as provided by
  Subsection (b), a licensed nurse or person providing health care
  services in an out-of-hospital setting may honor a physician's
  do-not-resuscitate order.
         [(b)]  When responding to a call for assistance, emergency
  medical services personnel:
               (1)  shall honor only a properly executed or issued
  [out-of-hospital] DNR order or prescribed DNR identification
  device in accordance with this subchapter; and
               (2)  have no duty to review, examine, interpret, or
  honor a person's other written directive, including a written
  directive in the form prescribed by Section 166.033.
         SECTION 12.  Subchapter C, Chapter 166, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 166.103 to read as follows:
         Sec. 166.103.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to facilities licensed under Chapter 142.
         SECTION 13.  Not later than December 1, 2015, the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  adopt the rules required by Section 166.101(a), Health and Safety
  Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 14.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, the changes in law made by this Act apply to a
  do-not-resuscitate order on or after the effective date of this
  Act, regardless of whether the order was issued before, on, or after
  the effective date of this Act.
         (b)  Section 166.083, Health and Safety Code, as amended by
  this Act, and Section 166.0855, Health and Safety Code, as added by
  this Act, apply only to a do-not-resuscitate order that is issued on
  or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.