By: Watson S.B. No. 1916
  relating to the escheat of Unites States savings bonds.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 71, Property Code, is amended by adding
  SUBCHAPTER E to read as follows:
         Sec. 71.401  (a)  "United States savings bond" means
  property, tangible or intangible, in the form of a savings bond
  issued by the United States Treasury whether in paper form,
  electric, or paperless form, along with all proceeds thereof.
         (b)  Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter and
  any other contrary provision of Title 6 or other law, United States
  savings bonds which are subject to the provisions of this Title,
  including bonds in the possession of the comptroller, and those
  lost, stolen, or destroyed bonds registered to persons with last
  known addresses in the state, shall be presumed abandoned when such
  bonds have remained unclaimed for three years after their date of
         (c)  United States savings bonds which are presumed
  abandoned under Subsection (b), including bonds in the possession
  of the comptroller, and those lost, stolen, or destroyed bonds
  registered to persons with last known addresses in the state, shall
  escheat to the State of Texas three years after such bonds are
  presumed abandoned, and all property rights and legal title to and
  ownership of such United States Savings Bonds or proceeds from such
  bonds, including all rights, powers, and privileges of survivorship
  of any owner, co-owner or beneficiary, shall vest solely in the
  State of Texas according to the procedure set forth in Subsections
  (d) through (h).
         (d)  Within 180 days after the applicable three years in
  Subsection (c), if no claim has been filed in accordance with the
  provisions of this Title for such United States savings bonds, the
  comptroller shall commence a civil action in a district court in
  Travis County, Texas, or in any other court of competent
  jurisdiction, for a determination that such United States savings
  bonds have escheated to the state of Texas. The comptroller may
  postpone the bringing of such action until sufficient United States
  savings bonds have accumulated in the comptroller's custody to
  justify the expense of such proceedings.
         (e)  The sheriff or any constable of any county of the State
  of Texas or the clerk of the court in which the case is pending shall
  make service of the citation by publication in accordance with the
  provisions of Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Part II, Section 5,
  Rules 109 through 118. 
         (f)  If no person shall file a claim or appear at the hearing
  to substantiate a claim or where the court shall determine that a
  claimant is not entitled to the property claimed by such claimant,
  then the court, if satisfied by evidence that the comptroller has
  substantially complied with the laws of this state, shall enter a
  judgment that the subject United States savings bonds have
  escheated to the State of Texas, and all property rights and legal
  title to and ownership of such United States savings bonds or
  proceeds from such bonds, including all rights, powers, and
  privileges of survivorship of any owner, co-owner, or beneficiary,
  have vested solely in the state of Texas.
         (g)  Notwithstanding Sections 74.507 and 74.704, the
  comptroller shall redeem such United States savings bonds escheated
  to the State of Texas and when the proceeds which have escheated
  have been recovered by the comptroller, it shall first pay all costs
  incident to the collection and recovery of such proceeds from the
  redemption of the United States savings bonds and shall thereafter
  promptly deposit the remaining balance of such proceeds in the
  general revenue fund [or any other fund you decide is correct] to be
  distributed in accordance with law.
         (h)  Any person making a claim for the United States savings
  bonds escheated to the State of Texas under this Chapter, or for the
  proceeds from such bonds, may file a claim with the comptroller.  
  Upon providing sufficient proof of the validity of such person's
  claim, the Treasurer may, in his or her sole discretion, pay such
  claim less any expenses and costs which shall have been incurred by
  the state in securing full title and ownership of such property by
  escheat.  If payment has been made to any claimant, no action
  thereafter shall be maintained by any other claimant against the
  state or any officer thereof, for or on account of such funds.
         SECTION 2.  Section 74.001(a), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), this chapter
  applies to a holder of property that is presumed abandoned under
  Chapter 71 Subchapter E, Chapter 72, Chapter 73, or Chapter 75.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2015.