By: Hancock S.C.R. No. 40
         WHEREAS, It is a time-honored custom that the portrait of
  each outgoing Governor of the State of Texas be hung in the Texas
  Capitol along with those of previous Texas governors; and
         WHEREAS, The term of Governor Rick Perry, 47th Governor of
  the State of Texas, has drawn to a close; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, the House of
  Representatives concurring, That the 84th Legislature direct that a
  suitable portrait of Governor Rick Perry be placed in an
  appropriate location in the Texas Capitol with the portraits of
  other governors of Texas; the portrait and the charge for such
  portrait may be made by an artist agreeable with Governor Perry, the
  lieutenant governor, the Chairman of the Committee on
  Administration of the Senate, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the Chairman of the House Administration
  Committee; before the portrait is accepted and placed by the State
  Preservation Board, it shall have the approval of the lieutenant
  governor, the Chairman of the Committee on Administration of the
  Senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the
  Chairman of the House Administration Committee; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a sufficient sum of money be provided through
  the Committee on Administration of the Senate and the House
  Administration Committee of the House of Representatives to pay the
  artist's charges for the portrait.