WHEREAS, Members of the health care community are gathering
  in Austin on February 17, 2015, to observe Texas Trauma and
  Emergency Health Care Day; and
         WHEREAS, The health care professionals of the Texas trauma
  system stand ready to assist the citizens of Texas at a moment's
  notice; these dedicated men and women respond to emergency
  situations from motor vehicle accidents to natural disasters to the
  sudden onset of heart attacks and strokes with speed, compassion,
  and professionalism, often putting their own lives at risk; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas trauma system has 287 designated trauma
  facilities that are supported by 22 trauma service area regional
  advisory councils; more than 62,000 emergency medical services
  personnel, 40,000 nurses, and 2,000 trauma and emergency physicians
  work in cooperation to provide lifesaving care and vital
  rehabilitation services to this state's large and diverse
  population; and
         WHEREAS, When a catastrophic event occurs, Texans need to be
  able to rely on an effective emergency medical system for aid, and it
  is truly fitting that the men and women who provide that vital
  assistance be commended for their outstanding contributions to
  making the Lone Star State a safer and healthier place to live; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 17, 2015, as Texas Trauma
  and Emergency Health Care Day at the State Capitol and extend to
  all those in attendance sincere best wishes for a meaningful and
  memorable visit.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 17, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate