WHEREAS, Representatives of liquefied natural gas
  projects, exploration and production companies, state business
  and trade groups, pipeline companies, government, and other
  stakeholders are gathering in Austin on February 25, 2015, to
  highlight the benefits of liquefied natural gas exports; and
         WHEREAS, Pioneering exploration and extraction methods have
  opened vast natural gas resources to development, and demand on United
  States natural gas markets can now grow with little impact on domestic
  prices; plentiful supplies and unprecedented advances in technology
  also present a historic opportunity for the United States to achieve
  energy self-sufficiency while creating jobs and wealth; and
         WHEREAS, Global demand for liquefied natural gas is expected
  to climb significantly over the next two decades; the United States
  Department of Energy estimates that, by 2035, natural gas production
  levels will be 55 percent higher than was estimated only four years
  ago; this trend can satisfy all domestic demand while also allowing
  the nation to export natural gas; and
         WHEREAS, According to recent studies, the expansion of
  liquefied natural gas markets will generate as much as $86
  billion in net benefits to the nation's economy and will help
  reduce the United States trade deficit by as much as $60 billion
  by 2038; moreover, increases in liquefied natural gas exports
  could create more than 450,000 American jobs, including tens of
  thousands of jobs in construction and operations; every two
  billion cubic feet per day of exports supports 50,000 jobs in the
  exploration and production sectors; and
         WHEREAS, In Texas, proposed construction and operation of
  multiple liquefied natural gas export facilities along the Gulf
  Coast will encourage new direct infrastructure investments worth
  billions of dollars, will contribute royalties and local tax
  revenues to communities across the state, and could create up to
  155,000 Texas jobs; and
         WHEREAS, Liquefied natural gas exports will contribute to the
  nation's global energy leadership and to other vital goals, among
  them stability in natural gas pricing, increased business
  investment, job growth, and higher revenues for communities in
  natural-gas-producing areas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 25, 2015, as Liquefied
  Natural Gas Day at the State Capitol and extend to all those
  participating in this event sincere best wishes for an enjoyable and
  educational visit to Austin.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 25, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate