WHEREAS, Many prominent companies have joined forces to
  encourage youthful entrepreneurship during Lemonade Day in
  Houston on May 3, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Sponsored by Capital One Bank, Spark Energy,
  NewQuest Properties, Saint Christopher, Lupe Tortilla, Employer
  Flexible, Mayer-Brown, and others, Lemonade Day teaches children
  how to start and operate their own businesses as proprietors of
  traditional lemonade stands; the youngsters are provided with
  free materials and support as they follow a business plan and
  learn to "spend a little, save a little, and share a little" of
  the money they earn; a portion of their profits is donated to the
  local charity they select; and
         WHEREAS, Lemonade Day was launched in the Bayou City in
  2007 by Michael Holthouse, and 2,700 children took part in that
  first year; since then, the event has expanded to 36 cities
  across the United States and Canada, and it continues to grow
  exponentially; and
         WHEREAS, By taking part in Lemonade Day, children gain
  early experience in the business world, and the skills and
  principles they learn will serve them well both in school and in
  the workplace in the years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby recognize May 3, 2015, as Lemonade Day and
  extend to all those participating sincere best wishes for an
  enjoyable and successful event.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 3, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate