WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Melaney Goebel, who is retiring from the Office of the
  Comptroller of Public Accounts after many years of outstanding
  service to the state; and
         WHEREAS, Melaney began her career in state government in
  December of 1988 working as a clerk in the bid room at the General
  Services Commission, where she prepared bids for bid openings and
  read bids to the public; in 1992, she was promoted and moved to
  the accounting department to work as an accounting clerk in
  accounts payable; there she had her first exposure to payroll
  processing using the old DIR FACTS system; and
         WHEREAS, Melaney received promotions each year as she
  quickly rose through the ranks to the position of Accountant VII;
  she cross-trained on payroll duties and assisted with the
  agency's conversion to the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel
  System and then became the payroll officer for the agency;
  Melaney also verified the accuracy of travel vouchers and became
  the supervisor over accounts payable, travel, and payroll in
  April of 2002; and
         WHEREAS, Melaney joined the comptroller's office as a
  Systems Analyst II in the Fiscal Management division in December
  of 2002, and she immediately began to support a full load of
  agencies on the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System; in
  addition, Melaney started to support agencies reporting to the
  Statewide Payroll/Personnel Reporting System and was able to
  document functional specifications for both systems; and
         WHEREAS, Due to Melaney's functional and technical
  expertise in the statewide payroll systems, she was called upon
  throughout her career in the Fiscal Management division to
  participate on projects to implement new statewide systems; she
  continued to take on challenging projects as an analyst,
  coordinator, and trainer, and she was of invaluable assistance in
  the implementation of Project One, a statewide Enterprise
  Resource Planning solution for state agencies; and
         WHEREAS, In September of 2013, Melaney accepted a promotion
  to Systems Analyst V as Team Lead of the Statewide Human Resources
  and Payroll Assistance Section, where she has served as the go-to
  person for her team, customers, and management; and
         WHEREAS, In all of her assignments, Melaney has
  distinguished herself as an exemplary employee and colleague;
  her smile lights up a room, and her positive can-do attitude and
  dedication to providing exceptional customer service have
  contributed to her great success in each role she has held in
  state government; Melaney will be missed tremendously by all who
  have worked with her over the course of her career; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby commend Melaney Goebel on her many years of
  valuable service to the state and extend to her congratulations
  and best wishes as she retires from her position in the Office of
  the Comptroller of Public Accounts; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  her as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 18, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate