WHEREAS, Through medical expertise and advances in organ
  and tissue transplants, more lives are being saved, improved, and
  prolonged than ever before; and
         WHEREAS, Such transplants are made possible by organ
  donations from deceased and living persons, a noble act that
  gives multitudes of recipients a second chance at life; and
         WHEREAS, The Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas registry,
  created by the Texas Senate and Texas House of Representatives in
  2005, provides a method for willing donors to record legal consent
  for organ, eye, and tissue donation, thereby lifting the
  decision-making burden from families at the time of a loved one's
  death; and
         WHEREAS, More than seven million Texans have joined the
  registry to date, thanks in part to partnerships forged with the
  Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Department of
  Transportation that enable citizens to sign up during the
  driver's license, ID, and vehicle registration processes;
  gratitude for this endeavor is also owed to the tireless public
  education efforts of the donation community and their passionate
  volunteers in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, While the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas
  registry is a notable step, more work remains to be done to ensure
  that the wishes of every potential donor are carried out; the
  wait for a lifesaving organ transplant continues for more than
  123,000 people nationwide, 21 of whom are expected to die before
  this day is over; and
         WHEREAS, Individuals representing the Texas Transplantation
  Society and the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas registry are united
  in their mission to educate Texans about the critical and rising
  need for donors, the transformative impact of donation, and the
  simple steps that can be taken to register; in 2014, 739 people
  became organ donors in Texas, resulting in successful transplant
  operations for 2,600 patients; and
         WHEREAS, The choice of registering as an organ donor is one
  that can provide hope beyond measure to men, women, and children in
  need, and those who have committed to the goal of promoting and
  facilitating donations truly merit special commendation; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby recognize March 23, 2015, as Donate Life
  Texas Day at the State Capitol, pay tribute to transplant donors
  and their families, and encourage all Texans to consider giving
  the gift of life through organ donation.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 23, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate