WHEREAS, For the past century, the Texas A&M Engineering
  Experiment Station has served as the state's engineering and
  technology development agency; and
         WHEREAS, The station was established in August 1914, and
  in 1948, it was incorporated into The Texas A&M University System;
  today, the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station has a close
  relationship with Texas A&M University and partners with 15 other
  universities and 11 two-year colleges across the state; in carrying
  out its mission, it collaborates with communities, public school
  districts, the private sector, and the federal government; and
         WHEREAS, Fostering innovation in research, education, and
  technology, the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station benefits
  industry and business in myriad ways; its outreach to community
  colleges helps to build the state's technology workforce and
  promotes the successful transfer of students from two-year to
  four-year institutions; in addition, the engineering experiment
  station serves as a catalyst for collaborations that enhance
  research capabilities statewide and that put Texas in a strong
  position for securing federal grants; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past 100 years, the Texas A&M Engineering
  Experiment Station has spurred economic development and provided
  practical answers to critical state and national needs, and in so
  doing, it has contributed significantly to the quality of life in
  the Lone Star State and beyond; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby commemorate the centennial of the Texas A&M
  Engineering Experiment Station and extend to all those associated
  with this outstanding institution sincere best wishes for
  continued success in their important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station as an expression of
  esteem from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 25, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate