WHEREAS, The South Texas College Dual Enrollment Academies
  program was selected as a 2014 Examples of Excelencia finalist by
  Excelencia in Education; and
         WHEREAS, Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Excelencia in
  Education is a national nonprofit organization that works to
  accelerate Latino student success in higher education; the
  organization's Examples of Excelencia initiative recognizes
  programs around the country that effectively increase the
  enrollment, performance, and graduation rates of Latino college
  students; and
         WHEREAS, One of 14 finalists for this prestigious honor,
  the Dual Enrollment Academies program at South Texas College
  allows hardworking high school students to earn an associate's
  degree in two years by taking high school courses in the morning
  and dual credit classes at the college in the afternoon; and
         WHEREAS, The program got its start with the establishment
  of the college's Medical Science Academy in 2005 and the
  Engineering Academy in 2006; it continued to expand over the next
  several years as the college added the Computer Science Academy,
  the Criminal Justice Academy, and the School to Career Academy,
  which includes specializations in both welding and electronic
  health records; and
         WHEREAS, The faculty and staff of the Dual Enrollment
  Academies further assist students in reaching their career goals
  through seminars, counseling, mentorships, development
  workshops, and volunteer opportunities in cooperation with area
  businesses and industries; in addition, academy students have
  been offered more than $11.9 million in scholarships since 2008,
  and several have received the Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium
  Scholarship; and
         WHEREAS, By providing an innovative opportunity to pursue
  a college education while still in high school, the Dual
  Enrollment Academies program has helped many young Texans
  prepare themselves for future success, and its selection as a
  finalist for the Examples of Excelencia Award is indeed well
  deserved; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby congratulate the South Texas College Dual
  Enrollment Academies program on being named a 2014 Examples of
  Excelencia finalist and commend the faculty, staff, and students
  of the program for their dedicated efforts; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for the program as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 9, 2015.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate