2015S0756-1 04/23/15
  By: Perry, Creighton S.R. No. 642
         WHEREAS, A sustainable agricultural system is crucial to
  the continued production of food, feed, and fiber to meet both
  domestic and global demand; and
         WHEREAS, In the United States, the agriculture and food
  production industries employ precision farming equipment, crop
  protection chemistries, genetic engineering or enhancement,
  agricultural nutrients, and other modern technologies; such
  advanced practices protect the safety of the public and reduce
  environmental impact while expanding yields, improving
  profitability, and ensuring an abundant and affordable food
  supply; and
         WHEREAS, Agricultural pests present significant dangers
  to the industry and to global supplies of the products they
  attack; accordingly, the environmental risks of forgoing
  advances in agricultural technologies that protect crops are
  severe; excessive regulation may scuttle or discourage the use of
  agricultural chemicals that could improve human welfare; and
         WHEREAS, Crop protection is among the most studied and
  highly regulated of all industries, at both the state and federal
  levels; the use of sound science should be the bedrock of our
  nation's regulatory scheme for the agriculture and food
  production industries, as these industries are critical to the
  economic vitality of Texas and the United States; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 84th
  Legislature, hereby express support for the use of sound science
  to study and regulate such modern agricultural technologies as
  crop protection chemistries, genetically engineered or enhanced
  traits, and nutrients; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the senate express opposition to
  legislative or regulatory action at any level that may result in
  unnecessary restrictions on the use of modern agricultural
  technologies; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate forward
  official copies of this resolution to the president of the United
  States, to the president of the Senate and the speaker of the
  House of Representatives of the United States Congress, and to
  all the members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the
  request that this resolution be entered in the Congressional
  Record as a memorial to the Congress of the United States of