Honorable John Kuempel, Chair, House Committee on General Investigating & Ethics
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1355 by Shaheen (Relating to the consequences for an elected officer who threatens, punishes, or intimidates a person based on the person's religious beliefs; creating a criminal offense.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Local Government and Penal Code to modify various codes as they relate to the consequences for certain officials who threaten, punish, or intimidate a person based on the persons' religious beliefs. Under the provisions of the bill, certain officers may be removed from office for the offense. This analysis assumes the provisions of the bill would not result in a significant impact on state correctional agencies.
Local Government Impact
Costs associated with enforcement, prosecution and confinement could likely be absorbed within existing resources. Revenue gain from fines imposed and collected is not anticipated to have a significant fiscal implication.