Honorable Gary Elkins, Chair, House Committee on Government Transparency & Operation
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB3705 by Meyer (Relating to the membership, powers, and duties of the Sunset Advisory Commission.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated through fiscal year 2022; however, there would be an estimated negative impact to General Revenue Related funds of ($1,216,999) for the biennium ending August 31, 2024 and each subsequent biennium.
The bill would amend the Government Code to increase the members of the Sunset Advisory Commission (SAC) from 12 to 15. Specifically, the bill would increase the number of public members appointed from two to five. One additional public member would be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House respectively and one additional public member would be appointed by the Governor with limited voting authority as provided by the bill.
The bill would also require an agency and any advisory committee if the agency has 200 or more full-time equivalents (FTEs) to be subject to a sunset review every eight years instead of every 12 years. Under the provisions of the bill, an agency and any advisory committee if the agency has less than 200 FTEs would continue to be subject to a sunset review every 12 years.
Based on information provided by the SAC, there would be a minimal cost each fiscal year to reimburse new commission members for travel and other expenses related to the their duties beginning in fiscal year 2016.
The SAC anticipates that fiscal implications associated with implementing the provisions of the bill would begin to be realized in fiscal year 2023. According to the SAC, agencies with more than 200 FTEs would be continued for eight years beginning in fiscal year 2017 and an additional 25 percent annual increase for staff, administrative support, travel, and operating expenses totaling $608,499 each fiscal year will be necessary beginning in fiscal year 2023 in order to review all of the agencies under the new review schedule for the fiscal year 2025 legislative session and each session thereafter.
Local Government Impact
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.