Honorable Kel Seliger, Chair, Senate Committee on Higher Education
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB495 by Watson (Relating to the service areas of certain junior college districts.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Local Government Impact
The bill would amend the services areas of certain junior college districts. The bill would expand Central Texas College District's services area to include Gillespie County, removing it from the service area of Austin Community College District. The bill would also expand The Victoria College District's service area to include all of Gonzales County, removing a portion of Gonzales County from the service area of Austin Community College District.
To the degree the added service areas for Central Texas College District and The Victoria College District are not included as part of each college's taxing district, each college may have to assume a larger portion of the instructional costs for students residing in the newly added services area since residents would be able to pay in-service area rates for tuition or fees.