COMMITTEE:   Business & Industry 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 

PLACE:       E2.016 
CHAIR:       Rep. René Oliveira 


HB 971        Bohac
Relating to requirements governing officers and directors of condominium unit owners' associations and property owners' associations.

HB 1009       Davis, Yvonne          
Relating to application fees and deposits paid to a landlord of residential rental property.

HB 1072       Thompson, Senfronia    
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to serve on the board of a property owners' association.

HB 1178       Isaac                  
Relating to the enforceability of certain restrictive covenants governing the use of fuel on and supply of fuel to property in certain subdivisions or other planned developments.

HB 1208       Bell | et al.          
Relating to lender notice to contractors regarding a construction loan or financing agreement for the improvement of real property and related procedures for suspending contractors' and subcontractors' performance.

HB 1777       Giddings               
Relating to prohibiting an employer from accessing the personal online accounts of employees and job applicants through electronic communication devices; establishing an unlawful employment practice.

HB 1862       Kuempel                
Relating to notice of hospital and emergency medical services liens.

HB 2147       Keffer                 
Relating to secret ballots in a property owners' association election or vote.

HB 2148       Keffer                 
Relating to voting methods in a property owners' association election or vote.

HB 2391       Bohac                  
Relating to the redemption of certain stored value cards, including gift cards, for cash.

HB 2404       Anderson, Rodney       
Relating to certain security devices for residential tenancies.

HB 2594       Parker                 
Relating to the modification or termination of restrictions by petition in certain real estate developments with certain amenities.

HB 2681       Smith                  
Relating to information required in a notice of sale of real property under contract lien.

HB 2739       Capriglione            
Relating to the use of a concealed handgun license as valid proof of personal identification.

HB 2797       Villalba               
Relating to the operation of certain property owners' associations.

HB 3168       Simmons                
Relating to remedies for oppression of minority shareholders by directors of closely held corporations.

HB 3199       Springer               
Relating to the use of public information for marketing purposes; creating a civil penalty.

HB 3434       Parker                 
Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code.

HB 3460       Murr                   
Relating to provisions in the dedicatory instruments of property owners' associations regarding display of flags.

HB 3479       Oliveira               
Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations.

HB 3539       Dukes                  
Relating to the regulation by a developer of the installation of solar energy devices in a residential subdivision.

HB 3939       Workman                
Relating to the requirements for construction contracts for certain public works projects.



**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of the schedule, if applicable.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.