COMMITTEE:   Elections 

TIME & DATE: 10:00 AM, Thursday, September 22, 2016 

PLACE:       E1.026 
CHAIR:       Rep. Jodie Laubenberg 


The Committee will meet to hear invited testimony only on the following interim charges:


Charge 1: Examine the petition process for addressing local ordinances, the time necessary to prepare a petition, the collection of signatures, and the enforcement of local standards required for a petition to be valid.  Make necessary recommendations to clarify the petition process to ensure accountability.


Charge 3: Evaluate options to improve the transparency of local bond elections, including but not limited to:  current processes used to educate voters about how tax dollars will be spent, the time of year bond elections are held, and the description of bond proposals on the ballot.  Make appropriate legislative recommendations.


Charge 6: Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementing of relevant legislation passed by the 84th Legislature.  In addition to general oversight, the Committee should specifically:


·                consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens;

·                identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate;

·                determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner;

·                identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs; and

·                examine the methods by which local election officials are informed about changes to election law, and potential improvements that would assist these officials in learning of and complying with these changes.





Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.