COMMITTEE:   State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select 

TIME & DATE: 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
Thursday, April 30, 2015 

PLACE:       E2.036 
CHAIR:       Rep. Phil King 


HCR 61        Flynn | et al.
Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government's responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border.

HCR 89        Phelan | et al.        
Urging Congress to repeal the health insurance tax.

HCR 109       Paul                   
Urging Congress to encourage the Department of Defense to relocate the United States Africa Command to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston.

HJR 144       Elkins                 
Rescinding the 1899 application of the 26th Texas Legislature to the United States Congress to call an unrestricted national convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing undisclosed amendments to that Constitution.

HJR 146       Peńa | et al.          
Applying to Congress to call a convention, to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution urging the restoration of free and fair elections.

HB 1065       White, James           
Relating to the Interstate Primary and Secondary Public Education Compact.

HB 422        Krause | et al.        
Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.

HB 3606       Krause                 
Relating to requirements for acceptance or expenditure of federal funds by a political subdivision.

HR 1835       Capriglione            
Expressing support for the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System.

HR 1508       King, Tracy O. | et al.
Expressing support for the use of sound science to study and regulate modern agricultural technologies and opposition to legislative or regulatory action that may result in unnecessary restrictions on the technologies.

HR 1605       Faircloth              
Expressing a commitment to the elimination of illegal fishing and urging Congress to take action to end illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in our sovereign waters.

HB 1751       Simpson                
Relating to the execution or enforcement of federal laws that violate the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution.

HCR 112       Springer
Urging Congress to direct the U.S. Department of Agriculture to revise existing policies that promote the waste of water after an irrigated crop has been declared a failure.

HCR 113       Springer | et al.
Urging the United States Congress to direct the Bureau of Land Management to affirm the provisions of the Red River Boundary Compact and acknowledge that the vegetation line on the south bank of the Red River forms the boundary between Oklahoma and Texas.


Notice of this meeting was announced from the house floor.




Bills added after last posting:

HCR 112

HCR 113


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of the schedule, if applicable.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.