COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2015
PLACE: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
CHAIR: Senator Brian Birdwell
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Commissioner of Insurance
David Calvin Mattax Appointed 02-01-15 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-17
Office of State-Federal Relations
Jerry D. Strickland Appointed 01-21-15 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire
Texas A&M University System Board of Regents
Phillip David Adams Appointed 02-01-15 for a Schwertner
Brazos County term to expire 02-01-21
Robert Leak Albritton Appointed 02-01-15 for a Nelson
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-21
William Mahomes Appointed 02-01-15 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-21