COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2015
PLACE: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
CHAIR: Senator Brian Birdwell
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Board of Pardons and Paroles
Federico Rangel Appointed 10-31-14 for a Schwertner
Walker County term to expire 02-01-19
Governing Board of the Office of Violent Sex Offender Management
Elizabeth Christina Jack Appointed 10-10-14 for a Burton
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-16
The following nominees will not appear:
Alamo Regional Mobility Authority
John Glenn Clamp Appointed 06-24-14 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-16
Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board
Jesus Barba Appointed 03-27-14 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 01-31-16
Patrick Michael Carlson Appointed 08-26-13 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 01-31-15
Laurie Carden Fontana Appointed 03-27-14 for a Whitmire
Harris County term to expire 01-31-16
James J. Jeffries Appointed 10-27-14 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 01-31-16
Brian Lawrence Padden Appointed 03-27-14 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 01-31-16
Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee
Donald R. Margo Appointed 05-11-15 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 01-31-21
State Cemetery Committee
Benjamin Michael Hanson Appointed 05-11-15 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee
Harold Karl Berenzweig Appointed 01-31-14 for a Burton
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-15
Margarita de la Appointed 01-31-14 for a Eltife
Garza-Grahm term to expire 02-01-17
Smith County
Mary Annette Gary Appointed 01-31-14 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 02-01-17
Elizabeth Anne Linder Appointed 01-31-14 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 02-01-17
Edward John Sherwood Appointed 01-31-14 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-17
Commission on State Emergency Communications
Rodolfo Madrid Appointed 05-11-15 for a Lucio
Kleberg County term to expire 09-01-17
Governing Board of the Office of Violent Sex Offender Management
Roberto Dominguez Appointed 10-10-14 for a Lucio
Hidalgo County term to expire 02-01-16
Kathryn Elaine McClure Appointed 04-30-14 for a Creighton
Harris County term to expire 02-01-15
Governing Board of the Texas Indigent Defense Commission
Jon H. Burrows Appointed 03-21-14 for a Fraser
Bell County term to expire 02-01-16
Olen U. Underwood Appointed 03-21-14 for a Nichols
Montgomery County term to expire 02-01-16
Glen Whitley Appointed 03-21-14 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-16
Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority
Will Rich Hubbard Appointed 06-24-14 for a Estes
Grayson County term to expire 02-01-16
Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority
Rance G. Sweeten Appointed 09-03-14 for a Lucio
Hidalgo County term to expire 02-01-16
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Syed Javaid Anwar Appointed 04-28-15 for a Seliger
Midland County term to expire 08-31-15
Texas Historical Commission
Anna Benavides Galo Appointed 05-11-15 for a Zaffirini
Webb County term to expire 02-01-21
Wallace Bernard Jefferson Appointed 05-11-15 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 02-01-19
John Liston Nau Appointed 05-11-15 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
165th Judicial District Court, Harris County
Debra Ibarra Mayfield Appointed 05-05-15 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 11-08-16
Lower Colorado River Authority
Lori Alice Berger Appointed 05-18-15 for a Kolkhorst
Fayette County term to expire 02-01-21
Joseph Michael Crane Appointed 05-18-15 for a Kolkhorst
Matagorda County term to expire 02-01-21
Charles Barton Johnson Appointed 05-18-15 for a Fraser
Brown County term to expire 02-01-21
George W. Russell Appointed 05-18-15 for a Fraser
Burnet County term to expire 02-01-21
Martha Leigh Miller Appointed 05-18-15 for a Fraser
Whitten term to expire 02-01-21
San Saba County
Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Anna Arredondo Chapman Appointed 10-02-13 for a Uresti
Val Verde County term to expire 02-01-15
Connie Wood Scott Appointed 10-02-13 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 02-01-19
William L. Shine Appointed 10-02-13 for a Fraser
Bell County term to expire 02-01-19
North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Linda Ryan Thomas Appointed 06-24-14 for a Eltife
Gregg County term to expire 02-01-16
Texas Optometry Board
Ronald Lee Hopping Appointed 04-28-15 for a Taylor, L.
Galveston County term to expire 01-31-21
Carey Aston Patrick Appointed 04-28-15 for a Taylor, V.
Collin County term to expire 01-31-21
Rene Daniel Peña Appointed 04-28-15 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 01-31-21
Board of Pardons and Paroles
Lionel F. Solis Appointed 04-21-15 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-21
State Pension Review Board
Keith Wallis Brainard Appointed 12-12-13 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 01-31-19
State Preservation Board
Iris Hudson Moore Appointed 05-19-15 for a Nelson
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-17
Red River Authority of Texas Board of Directors
Cary Cole Camp Appointed 09-05-14 for a Seliger
Randall County term to expire 08-11-19
Penny Cogdell Carpenter Appointed 09-05-14 for a Seliger
Briscoe County term to expire 08-11-19
Stephen Alan Thornhill Appointed 09-05-14 for a Estes
Grayson County term to expire 08-11-19
Rio Grande Compact Commission
Patrick R. Gordon Appointed 08-12-13 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 06-09-19
Rio Grande Regional Water Authority Board of Directors
Arturo Cabello Appointed 07-28-14 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 02-01-17
Sabine River Compact Administration
Michael Harold Lewis Appointed 09-20-13 for a Nichols
Newton County term to expire 07-12-19
Texas School Safety Center Board of Directors
Dewey Michael Cox Appointed 03-04-14 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 02-01-16
Garry Edward Eoff Appointed 03-04-14 for a Fraser
Brown County term to expire 02-01-16
Evan Gonzales Appointed 03-04-14 for a Kolkhorst
Lee County term to expire 02-01-16
Daniel Riley Griffith Appointed 03-04-14 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-16
Dawn DuBose Randle Appointed 03-04-14 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 02-01-16
Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority
Ruben Soto Appointed 10-27-14 for a Zaffirini
Webb County term to expire 02-01-16
Pending business:
Texas Military Department
John Frederick Nichols Appointed 02-05-14 for a Campbell
Comal County term to expire 02-01-16
Texas Funeral Service Commission
Larry Michael Allen Appointed 04-29-15 for a Hall
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-21
Gregory D. Compean Appointed 04-29-15 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term to expire 02-01-21
Texas Industrialized Building Code Council
Randall Reddin Childers Appointed 04-17-14 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 02-01-16
Brian Lloyd Eisenrich Appointed 09-16-14 for a Taylor, V.
Collin County term to expire 02-01-16
Steven James Fitzpatrick Appointed 04-17-14 for a Eltife
Smith County term to expire 02-01-16
Cecil Mark Remmert Appointed 04-17-14 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 02-01-16
Jesse E. Rider Appointed 04-17-14 for a Eltife
Smith County term to expire 02-01-16
William Fletcher Smith Appointed 04-17-14 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 02-01-16
Lower Neches Valley Authority Board of Directors
Steven Martin McReynolds Appointed 10-08-13 for a Creighton
Jefferson County term to expire 07-28-19
Virginia Mays Pate Appointed 06-13-14 for a Creighton
Jefferson County term to expire 07-28-15
Charles Caleb Spurlock Appointed 06-13-14 for a Nichols
Tyler County term to expire 07-28-19
Nonresident Violator Compact Administrator
Joe M. Peters Appointed 03-17-15 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 02-01-17
Nueces River Authority Board of Directors
Eric Lee Burnett Appointed 10-17-14 for a Zaffirini
San Patricio County term to expire 02-01-15
Texas Board of Nursing
Monica Lynn Hamby Appointed 09-26-13 for a Seliger
Randall County term to expire 01-31-19
Texas Underground Facility Notification Corporation (One-Call Board)
Thomas Abraham Appointed 11-15-13 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 08-31-16
Barry Calhoun Appointed 11-15-13 for a Taylor, V.
Dallas County term to expire 08-31-16
Joseph Wayne Costa Appointed 10-20-14 for a Taylor, V.
Collin County term to expire 08-31-17
William Ogden Geise Appointed 10-20-14 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 08-31-17
Robert Brian LaBorde Appointed 11-15-13 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 08-31-15
John William Linton Appointed 11-15-13 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 08-31-16
Cynthia R. Salas Appointed 11-15-13 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 08-31-16
Rodney Jay Unruh Appointed 10-20-14 for a Campbell
Comal County term to expire 08-31-17
James Brent Wynn Appointed 10-20-14 for a Seliger
Midland County term to expire 08-31-17
Texas Private Security Board
Patricia James Appointed 04-29-15 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Claude Douglas Siems Appointed 04-29-15 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Product Development and Small Business Incubator Board
Erin Oliver Ford Appointed 03-21-14 for a Nichols
Houston County term to expire 02-01-15
Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners
Maria Guadalupe Castro Appointed 07-30-13 for a Lucio
Hidalgo County term to expire 02-01-19
Macy Leigh Hill Appointed 07-30-13 for a Nelson
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-15
Texas Southern University Board of Regents
Derrick Maurice Mitchell Appointed 04-22-15 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Marilyn Agatha Rose Appointed 04-22-15 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Wesley Terrell Appointed 04-22-15 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-21
Texas Veterans Commission
Eliseo Cantu Appointed 02-14-14 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 12-31-19
John Kevin Ellzey Appointed 03-12-14 for a Birdwell
Ellis County term to expire 12-31-17
Daniel Patrick Moran Appointed 02-14-14 for a Kolkhorst
Harris County term to expire 12-31-19