COMMITTEE:    Natural Resources & Economic Development 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Tuesday, April 14, 2015 

PLACE:        E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Troy Fraser 



To consider the following:


SB 632        Fraser                 
Relating to certain funds for the enhancement of the state's economic and educational competitiveness, including the creation of the governor's university research initiative.

SB 1122       Estes                  
Relating to a limitation on the authority to curtail groundwater production from wells used for power generation or mining.

SB 1148       Watson | et al.        
Relating to the functions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas in relation to the economic regulation of water and sewer service.

SB 1945       Fraser                 
Relating to establishing competitive retail electricity options for customers served by certain municipally owned utilities.