COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Wednesday, April 20, 2016 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Charles Schwertner 



The Committee will convene to discuss the following interim charges:



·          Study the increase in higher acuity children with trauma and mental illness in the state foster care system, and recommend ways to ensure children have timely access to appropriate treatment and placement options.

·          Examine the frequency, causes, and effects of disrupted foster care adoptions and make recommendations to improve the long-term success of adoptive placements. Study and make recommendations on ways to ensure a smooth transition for foster care children who are exiting the system.

·          Examine the current process that Child Protective Services uses to track recurrence of child abuse and neglect, and make recommendations to improve data tracking and the use of that data to assist in preventing recurrence. The study should examine the differences in recurrence among families who received services, families who received no services and had their cases closed, and families who had their children removed from the home.





Individuals wishing to provide public testimony will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes total on any of the above charges.