State Affairs Committee
March 25, 2015 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Bresnen, Steve (Self)
Levy, Rick (Texas aflcio)
Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life, Inc)
Smith, Tom "smitty" (Self)
Against :
McDanald, Kristen (Self; Empower Texans)
McDonald, Tony (Self; Empower Texans; Law Offices of Tony McDonald)
Nixon, Joe (Self; Empower Texans, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Home School
Oldham, Dalton (Self; Empower Texans and Texas Right to Life)
Trainor, Trey (Self; Empower Texans, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Home School
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Allwein, Ruth (Self; Texas Alliance for Life)
Baggett, Donnis (Texas Press Association)
Groff, Erin (Self; Texas Alliance for Life)
Knoll, Jeffrey (Self)
Power, David (Public Citizen)
Romero, Jesse (Common Cause Texas)
Silver, Paul (Self; Texas anti-corruption campaign)
Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)
Against :
Beckmeyer, Teresa (Self)
Cheshire, Cary (Self)
Flint, Marla (Self)
Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas Eagle Forum - Vice President)
Hettinger, Ann (Self; Concerned Women for America of Texas)
Horne, Emily (Self; Texas Right To Life)
Howe, Chris (Self)
Kebodeaux, Emily (Self; Texas Right to Life)
King, Donald C. (Self)
King, Jacklyn (Self)
Matocha, Dustin (Self; Texans for Fiscal Responsibility)
Newman, Jeremy (Self; Texas home school coalition)
Saenz, Jonathan (Self; Texas Values Action)
Sullivan, Michael Quinn (Self; Empower Texans)
On :
Ashley, Natalia (Texas Ethics Commission)
Meyer, Richard (Self)