Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
April 8, 2015 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Arman, Jessica (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)
Bass, David (Self)
Behrman, Dan (Self)
Berkes, Bridgette (Self)
Bernhardt, Rebecca (Texas Fair Defense Project)
Boyce, Troy (Self)
Brennan, Cynthia (Self)
Delaney, John (Self; Texas Marijuana Policy Coalition; Law Enforcement Against
Fazio, Heather (Self; Marijuana Policy Project)
Finkel, Jaclyn (Self)
Finkel, Jaclyn (Self)
Harrison, Romana (Self)
Henson, Scott (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)
Krenek, Mary (Self)
Laufer, Marisa (Self; San Antonio NORML)
Martin, William (Self; Rive university's Baker Institute)
Mayer, Arthur (Self)
Neill, Katharine (Self; Baker Institute of Public Policy, Rice University)
Ogg, Kim (Self)
Olewin, Carol (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
ONeil, Rene (Self)
Quezada, Favian (Self)
Rains, Michael W. (Self)
Russell, Zoe (Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition (RAMP))
Schickedanz, Christopher (Self)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Spencer, Jamie (Self; Texas NORML)
Against :
Travis, William (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Acosta, Stephanie (Self; Tag)
Ambs, Dana (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)
Ansley, Tracy (Self)
Arman, Justin (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)
Armstrong, Whitney (Self)
Balagia, Jamie (Self)
Ballard, Jadyn (Self)
Barefoot, Michael (Self; Janice Michaels Health Care)
Barr, Davis (Self)
Beck, Jennifer (Self)
Bezant, Preston (Self)
Bezant, Robert (Self)
Bezant, Vickie (Self)
Bharucha, Cyrus (Self)
Black, Barry (Self)
Bonin, Cara (Self; Katy texas tea party)
Booker, Denee (Self)
Brandauer, Gabriel (Self)
Braswell, Martin (Self)
Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Breakfield, Rachel (Self)
Brennan, Michael (Self)
Bridewell, Brian (Self)
Britton, Ben (Self)
Brooks, Dawn (Self)
Busatta, Paolo (Self)
Bush, Suzanne (Self)
Bussey, Faith (Self)
Bustamante, Iqziar (Self)
Camarillo, Mark (Self)
Cardona, Alejandro (Self)
Carpenter, Ethan (Self)
Carter, Matthew (Self)
Cole, Doug (NORML)
Coleman, Renee (Self)
Collins, Kenneth (Self)
Collins, William (Self; Cen Tex Norml)
Cooper, Loren (Self)
Cox, Julia (Self)
Das, Saurabh (Self)
Davidek, Dirk (Self)
Davis, Noelle (Self)
Deuvall, Clifford (Self)
Dewitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)
Donahue, Sharon (Self)
Donahue, Steven (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)
Duncan, Jeffrey (Self)
Farmer, Ben (Self)
Fowler, Amy (Self)
Freeman, Matthew (Self)
Froelich, Jeffrey (Self)
Garcia, Teresa (Self)
Garza, Jessica (Self; William C. Velasquez Institute)
Georgakis, Georgios (Self)
Graziani, Cate (Mental Health America of Texas)
Green, Sean (Self)
Grimes, Betty (Self)
Gunn, Sean (Self)
Hamborsky, Stephanie (Self; Students for Sensible Drug Policy)
Hansch, Greg (Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Alumni Association, Southwest Region)
Hardee, Ann (Self)
Harless, Barbara (Self)
Harrison, Romana (Self; Veterans for safe access)
Harsh, Sheena (Self)
Heisler Herrmann, Mara (Self; Houston Norml)
Hendrickson, Carmen (Self)
Hernandez, Antony (Self)
Herring (Self)
Hess, Adam (Self)
Howe, Chris (Self)
Hudgins, Dusty (Self)
Humphries, Barbara (Self)
Jackson, Keith (Self)
Jauregui, Alberto (Self)
Jochem, Chris (Self)
Johnson, Gatlin (Self)
Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Johnson, Lauren (Self)
Johnson, Rachel (Self)
Johnson, Shawn (Self)
Jones, Leah (Self; DFW NORML)
Kampenhout, Deven (Self)
Kimball, Lyle (Self)
Labrada, Loretta (Self)
LaClair, Chris (Self)
Lamb, James (Self)
Laufer, Marisa (Self; San Antonio Chapter for Nat'l Org. For Reform of Marijuana Laws)
Lee, Ann (Self; Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition (RAMP))
Litzau, Penni (Self)
Longley, Kristin (Self)
Lopez, Elizabeth (Self)
Lopez, Fernando (Self)
Lopez, Vincent (Self)
Lowe, Bonny (Self; Norml)
Lowry, Lance (Self)
Lucas, Paul (Self)
Malone, Bridget (Self)
Martin, Phillip (Progress Texas)
Mcalister, Shaun (Self; Dfw norml)
McLeod, Marnie R (Self)
Mehew, Erma (Self)
Mendez, Pablo (Self; DFW NORML)
Merki, Mike (Self)
Miller, Jason (Self; Houston NORML)
Moore, Perry (Self)
Moreno, Eric (Dfwnorml)
Munoz-Davis, Mary (Self)
Olson, Wade (Self)
Pender, Jeff (Self; Dfw norml)
Peyson, Robin (Communities for Recovery)
Pilcher, Gaynell (Self)
Pilcher, Walter (Self)
Plesa, Mihaela (Self)
Plunk, Kasey (Self)
Plunk, Shannon (Self)
Quinzi, Paul (Self)
Quirk, Veronica (Self)
Reese, Jennifer (Self)
Reeves, Karen (Self)
Rellin, Cindy (Self)
Rhodes, Nicholas (Self)
Robinson, Gil (Self)
Rodriguez, Jeannie (Self)
Rollins, Michael (Self)
Romero, Jesse (William C. Velasquez Institute)
Rosa, Jaime (Self)
Ross, Heather (Self)
Ruffo, Robin (Self)
Ruiz, Olivia (Self)
Rumsey, Donna (Self)
Ruzicka, Joshua (Self)
Sachs, Molly (Self)
Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Sanchez, Emily (Self)
Schimberg, Joshua (Self)
Schimberg, Leah (Self)
Schuler, Steve (Self)
Schuler, Steve (Self)
Sellers, Christine (Self)
Sellers, Robert (Self)
Sheffield, William (Self)
Sherrell, Craig (Self)
Siller, Jonathan (Self)
Simpson, Loren (Self)
Simpson, Nick (Self)
Smith, Brian (Self)
Smith, Cheryl (Self)
Smith, Jim (Self)
Smith, Justin (Self)
Smith, Kevin (Self; DFW NORML)
Smith, Nick (Self)
Smith, Teleasha (Self; DFW NORML)
Smith, Teresa (Self)
Smith, Wyatt (Self; DFW NORML)
Snavely, Travis (Self)
Sorgi, Tamma (Self)
Staton, Alan (Self)
Stritzinger, Kevin (Self)
Sweeney, Alanna (Self)
Taylor, Chelsea (Self)
Taylor, Chuck (Self)
Taylor, Patricia (Self)
Thees, Alma (Self)
Thomas, David (Self)
Tydings, Jordan (Self)
Van Horn, Haley (Self)
Van Lowe, John (Self)
Vela, Ricardo (Self)
Vidal, Erin (Self)
Villanueva, Dan (Self)
Villanueva, Daniel (Self)
Wahrer, Keith (Self)
Walden, Ben (Self)
Walter, Celeste (Self)
Washmon, Joshua (Self)
White, Hunter (Self; Republicans aginst marijuana prohibition)
White, Kaiba (Self)
Whiteley, Nishi (Self)
Williams, Betty (Self)
Williams, Kathrenn (DFW NORML)
Womack, Richard (Self)
Young, Destiny (Self)
Zapinski, Laurie (Self)
Zapinski, Laurie (Self)
Against :
Baker, Donald (Texas Police Chiefs Association)
Bowers, Anna (Self)
Capra, James (Self)
Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Cerliano, Maxey (Self; Sheriffs' Association of Texas)
Grunden, James (Upshur County Sheriffs Office)
Harmon, Micah (Sheriffs' Association of Texas)
Louderback, AJ (Sheriffs' Association of Texas)
Pacheco, Michael (Texas Farm Bureau)
Ramsay, Will (8th Judicial District Attorney's Office)
Sanders, Bobby (Upshur County Sheriffs Office)
Smith, Larry (Self; Sheriff's Association of Texas)
Smith, R Glenn (Self)
Squires, William (Bexar County District Attorney)
Tharp, Jennifer (Comal County Criminal District Attorney)
Travis, William (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)
Wood, Justin (Harris County District Attorney's Office)
On :
BAILEY, ROBERT (Texas Department of Public Safety)
Lunceford, Celeste (Texas Department of State Health Services)
Schalchlin, Corwin (Texas Department of Public Safety)