HB 767


              Public Education Committee

              March 24, 2015 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Britton, Laura (Self)

                                 Cadigan, John (Self)

                                 Cadigan, John (Self)

                                 Christensen, Scott (Self)

                                 Cullers, Bret (Self; Living for zachary)

                                 DeBauche, Thomas (Cypress ECG Project)

                                 Friend, Laura (Self)

                                 Jahadi, Dr Mo (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Koontz, Bart (Self; Augustheart)

                                 Shuff, Pat (Self; Who we play for - Cypress ECG)

                                 Stephens, Joe (Self; Galena park isd)

                                 Stephens, Scott (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Erwin, John (Self; Texas Chapter of the American College of cardiology)

                                 Fenrich, Arnold (Self)

                                 Lukefahr, James (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                       On :

                                 Higgins, John (The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Arnold, Ellen (Texas PTA)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Britton, Jaden (Self)

                                 Courreges ("Courageous"), David (Self)

                                 Cullers, Denise (Self; Living for Zachary)

                                 Exter, Monty (The Association of Texas Professional Educators)

                                 Farmer, Holly (Self; Augutheart)

                                 Fiorelli, David (Self)

                                 Fiorelli, David (Self)

                                 Fiorelli, Susan (Self)

                                 Foster, Mary (Self; Mary Foster)

                                 Gilmore, Scott (Self; Texas Chiropractic association)

                                 Goyne, Debbie (Self; The Brandon Goyne Foundation)

                                 Henry, Michael (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Knustrom, Eric (Self)

                                 Matt, John (Self)

                                 Moore, Keith (Self)

                                 Powell, Linda (Self)

                                 Powell, Robert (Self)

                                 Shannon, Fred (Self)

                                 Stephens, Clay (Self)

                                 STEPHENS, Frankie (Self)

                                 Stephens, Melody (Self; Cody Stephens Foundation)

                                 Stephens, Paul Vance (Self)

                                 Velasco, Pam (Self; Augustheart)

                                 Warner, Freddy (Memoerial Hermann Health System)

                                 Williams, Paige (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

                       On :

                                 Alexander, Troy (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Byer, Von (Texas Education Agency)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 767


              Public Education Committee

                                 Harrison, Jamey (UIL)

                                 King, Mike (Self; Bridge City ISD)

                                 Mannino, Gina (Self; Bridge City ISD)

                                 Martinez, Monica (Texas Education Agency)
