HB 1096

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

              May 18, 2015 - 9:00 AM


                                          Vera, Alan   Chairman  (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee),

                                          Houston, TX

                                          Vera, Colleen    (Self) , Houston, TX


                                          Banks, Yannis    (Texas NAACP), Austin, TX

                                          Maxey, Glen   Legislative Director  (Texas Democratic Party), Austin, TX

                                          Moreno, Celina   Legislative Staff Attorney  (MALDEF), San Antonio, TX

                                          Scruggs, Ed    (Self) , Austin, TX


                                          Fischer, Ashley   Legal Director  (Secretary of the State), Austin, TX

                                          Johnson, Ed    (Harris County Clerks Office), Houston, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          DeBeauvoir, Dana   Travis County Clerk  (County Clerks Legislative Committee), Austin,


                                          Fairbrother, Bill   Legislative Chair, Texas Republican  County Chairmen's Association,

                                          Williamson Co. GOP Chair  (Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association), Round

                                          Rock, TX

                                          Smith, Ed    (Self) , Lorena, TX


                                          Albert, David    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Booker, Denee    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Elfant, Bruce   Travis County Tax Assessor  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Loughlin, Kathleen Irvin    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          McCulloch, Mark    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Power-Freeman, Courtney   Mother and Teacher  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Ross, Heather   Tech Designer  (Self) , La Vernia, TX

                                          Soifer, Jan   Chairwoman  (Travis County Democratic Party and Self), Austin, TX

                                          Thomas, David    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Weatherby, Cinde    (League of Women Voters of TX), Austin, TX

                                          Winchell, Maria    (Self) , Austin, TX
