HB 1490

              Senate Committee Report

              Criminal Justice

              May 21, 2015 - 1:30 PM or upon adjournment

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Arnold, Ellen    (Texas Association of Goodwills), Austin, TX

                                          Arnold, Ellen    (Texas Parent Teacher Association), Austin, TX

                                          Arnold, Ellen    (Goodwill Central Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Banks, Yannis    (Texas NAACP), Austin, TX

                                          Cohen, Derek   Senior Policy Analyst  (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX

                                          Kreager, John   Policy Fellow  (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Mergler, Mary   Attorney  (Texas Appleseed), Austin, TX

                                          Miller, Jeff   Policy Specialist  (Disability Rights Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Rose, Lauren   Juvenile Justice Policy Assoc.  (Texans Care for Children), Austin, TX

                                          Simpson, Matt    (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX


                                          Singer, Kaci   Staff Attorney  (Texas Juvenile Justice Department), Austin, TX
