HB 2474


              Public Health Committee

              March 24, 2015 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Dragsbaek, Anna (Self; The Immunization Partnership)

                                 Fuller, Sobha (Self; Texas DNP Society)

                                 Guerrero, Jill (Self)

                                 Hodges, MD, Patrick (March of Dimes)

                                 Sherman, Courtney (Self; Texas DNP Society)

                                 Swan, James (Self; Texas public health association   And self)

                                 Van Ramshorst, Ryan (Self; Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association, Texas

                                 Public Health Coalition)

                       Against :

                                 Barlow, Chelsea (Self)

                                 DeHoyos, Gina (Self)

                                 King, Read (Self)

                                 Powell, Judy (Parent Guidance Center)

                                 Powell, Judy (Parent Guidance Center)

                                 Richardson, Dawn (National Vaccine Information Center and Parents Requesting Open

                                 Vaccine Education)

                                 Scheibe, Lindsey (Self)

                                 Schneider, Michelle (Self; Texans for Vaccine Choice)

                                 Siegel, Shawn (Self)

                       On :

                                 Patson, Kelly (Dshs)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Albert, Joseph (Self)

                                 Albert, Thankamma (Self)

                                 Appel, Louis (Self)

                                 Armstrong, Georgia (Self; People's Community Clinic)

                                 Arnold, Ellen (Texas PTA)

                                 Ateek, Christina (Self)

                                 Baggett, Donnis (Texas Press Association)

                                 Banning, Tom (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Bowden, Emily (Self)

                                 Camosy, Caroline (Self)

                                 Camp, Tammy (Self)

                                 Capelo, Jaime (Texas Academy of Physician Assistants)

                                 Cates, Andrew (Texas Nurses Association, Texas School Nurse Organization)

                                 Chimene, Grace (Self)

                                 Cortelyou, Christine (Self; Texas pediatric society)

                                 Decker, Will (Self; The immunization partnership)

                                 Devine, Teresa (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas)

                                 Dockery, Jordan (Self)

                                 Eckstein, Kathy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)

                                 Emmett, Gwen (Self; The Immunization Partnership)

                                 Escobar-Flores, Casey (Self)

                                 Flores, John (Self)

                                 Gammons, Sarah (Self; Texas pediatric society)

                                 Garcia, Eileen (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Godfred-cato, Shana (Self)

                                 Halke, Glenn (Self)

                                 Harkins, Lauren (Self)

                                 Harris, Hayley (Self; Dell childrens hospital)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 2474


              Public Health Committee

                                 Henkel, Erin (Self)

                                 Johnston, Rachael (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Keefe, Meagan (Self)

                                 Kroll, Carrie (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Len, Julie (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Liboiron, Mireille (Self)

                                 Lipsitt, Amanda (Self)

                                 Loh, Miranda (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Londeree, Jackson (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Melina Raab, Ted (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))

                                 Mercer, Roberta (Self; DNP society and self)

                                 Minsloff, Lisa (Self)

                                 Pearce, Amber (Pfizer)

                                 Persaud, Natasha (Self)

                                 Pillai, Chanthu (Self)

                                 Pont, Stephen (Self)

                                 Reynolds, David (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

                                 Scheer, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children Hospital)

                                 Scranton, Maria (Self)

                                 Shenoy, Vrinda (Self)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 Terk, Jason (Self; Tps, tma, tphc)

                                 Tran, Courtney (Self)

                                 Truettner, Katherine (Self; Dell childrens hospital)

                                 Vitug, Gaile (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Vo, Julie (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Wesp, Krystyna (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Westerberg, Jake (Self)

                                 Whitehall, Robin (Self; Pediatric Residency at Dell Medical Center)

                                 Willis, Austin (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Adams, Cathie (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)

                                 Anderson, Betty (Self; Montgomery Co Eagle Forum)

                                 Beckmeyer, Teresa (Self)

                                 Bender, Alexandrea (Self)

                                 Castaneda - Williams, Cecilia (Self)

                                 Davis, Caroline (Self)

                                 Doggett, Dianne (Self)

                                 Doyle, William r (Self)

                                 Flint, Marla (Self)

                                 Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas Eagle Forum - Vice President)

                                 Hendrickson, Carmen (Self)

                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self)

                                 McCarthy, Nancy (Self; Texas Health Freedom Coalition)

                                 Mier, Charles (Self)

                                 Minnis, Julie (Self)

                                 Sandidge, Randy (Self)

                                 Smith, Angela (Self)

                                 Williams, Julie (Self)
