HB 3374


              State Affairs Committee

              April 15, 2015 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Holahan, Jeanette (Self; Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas)

                                 McCann-Authement, Katie (Self)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self)

                                 Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life)

                                 Shepherd, Suzanne (Self; Down syndrome association central texas)

                                 Stone, Jenny (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Booker, Denee (Self)

                                 Busby, Heather (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas and the Trust Respect Access Coalition)

                                 Kaufman, Carrie (Self; American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Texas

                                 Association of ObGYN, Texas Medical Association, TX Assoc of Family Physicians, TX

                                 Pediatric Society, TX Soc of Genetic Counselors)

                                 Ross, Heather (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Confeence of Bishops)

                                 Allwein, Ruth (Self; Texas Alliance For Life)

                                 Brooks, Jeffrey (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Brown, Leah (Self; Texas alliance for life)

                                 Davis, John (Self)

                                 Groff, Erin (Self; Texas alliance for life)

                                 Horne, Emily (Self; Texas Right To Life)

                                 Jimenez, Gerard (Self; Texas down syndrome advocacy coalition)

                                 Luna, Vilma (Self)

                                 Masey, Chris (Self; Coalition of texans with disabilities)

                                 Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)

                                 Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)

                       Against :

                                 Bennett, Amanda (Self)

                                 Bishop, Tiffani (Self)

                                 Burr, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Carlson, Rollyn (Self)

                                 DeFrates, Ana (Self; National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health)

                                 Doggett, Chris (Self)

                                 Klushnik, Julie (Self)

                                 LeBlanc, Lisa (Self)

                                 Lichtenheld, Zoey (Self)

                                 Long, Amelia (Self; NARAL Pro-choice texas)

                                 Luthy, Laura (Self)

                                 Martin, Emily (Self)

                                 Meurer, Jill (Self)

                                 Nobles, Trace (Self)

                                 Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Rooke-Ley, Emily (Self; Jane's Due Process)

                                 Sheldon, Connie (Self)

                                 Sheldon, Robert (Self)

                                 Stanley, Drew (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Stein, Lucy (Progress Texas)

                                 Williams, Amanda (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 3374


              State Affairs Committee

                                 Wolter, Erin (Self)
