HB 3417


              Public Education Committee

              April 28, 2015 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Guerrero, Jacob (Self)

                                 Riley, Nancy (Tcase)

                                 Statman, Rona (The Arc of Texas)

                                 Stratton, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Swanson, Steve (Self)

                                 Younger, Sylvia (Self)

                       On :

                                 Aleman, Steven (Disability Rights Texas)

                                 Dishner, Tony (Austin ISD)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Bearden, Chase (Coalition of texans with disabilities)

                                 Beneski, Amy (Texas Association of School Administrators)

                                 Bosse, Portia (Texas State Teachers Association)

                                 Duron, Jodi (Self; Elgin isd)

                                 Exter, Monty (The Association of Texas Professional Educators)

                                 Grammer, Chris (Texas School Alliance)

                                 Guerrero, Kathryn (Self)

                                 Gustafson, Lindsay (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

                                 Harris, Dwight (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers)

                                 Hernandez, Richard (ResCare, Inc.)

                                 Lavelle, Tanya (Easter Seals Central Texas)

                                 Lilly, Janna (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education)

                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Negovetich, Marisha (Texas Association of School Boards)

                                 Nichols, Colby (Texas Rural Education Association; Texas Association of Community


                                 Salinas, Nelson (Texas assoc of business)

                                 Smith, Angela (Self; Fredericksburg tea party)

                                 Terry, Mark (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association)

                                 Wilson, Columba (Self)

                       On :

                                 Lenz, Gene (Texas Education Agency)

                                 Martinez, Monica (Texas Education Agency)
