HB 3446


              State Affairs Committee

              April 15, 2015 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Casey, Stephen (Self; Texas Center for Defense of Life)

                                 Casey, Stephen (Self; Texas Center for Defense of Life)

                                 Mckinley, Toni (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Booker, Denee (Self)

                                 Carpenter, Schell (Self; The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity)

                                 Carpenter, Schell (Self; The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity)

                                 Chimene, Grace (Self; League of Women Voters Of Texas)

                                 Cushing, Blair (Self)

                                 Hays, Susan (NARAL ProChoice)

                                 LeBlanc, Lisa (Self)

                                 Manuel, Amy (Self)

                                 Ross, Heather (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Confeence of Bishops)

                                 Allwein, Ruth (Self; Texas Alliance For Life)

                                 Asmussen, Cindy (Self; Concerned Women for America of Texas)

                                 Ballweg, Charles (Chuck) (Self; NTCL)

                                 Bledsoe, Brian (Self)

                                 Brooks, Jeffrey (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Brown, Leah (Self; Texas alliance for life)

                                 Crawford, Sarah (Self)

                                 Donohue, Kellee (Self)

                                 Dulin, Kassie (Self)

                                 Flusche, Michael (Self)

                                 Frueh, Paul (Self)

                                 Graham, Elizabeth (Texas Right to Life)

                                 Groff, Erin (Self; Texas alliance for life)

                                 Harless, Barbara (Self; North Texas Citizens Lobby)

                                 Haussmann, Jo (Self)

                                 Hemphill, Sheila (Self)

                                 Hodges, Dana (Self)

                                 Kebodeaux, Emily (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Kreif, Tammy (Self)

                                 McKissick, Rachel (Self)

                                 Nelms, Brett (Self)

                                 Newman, Jeremy (Self; Texas home school coalition)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self)

                                 Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life)

                                 Roberts, Beverly (Self; Concerned Women for America)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values Action)

                                 Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Seago, Ted (Self)

                                 Smith, Mary (Concerned womn for america)

                                 Turnbull, Cythia (Self)

                                 Turnbull, Ray (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self; Pro-Life Texas)

                                 Vela, Sandra (Self)

                                 Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 3446


              State Affairs Committee

                       Against :

                                 Abbott, Robin (Self)

                                 Aiken, Abigail (Self)

                                 Bennett, Amanda (Self)

                                 Bessent, Nancy (Self)

                                 Bishop, Tiffani (Self)

                                 Bodin Gorgoroso, Alicia (Self)

                                 Burr, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Busby, Heather (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Carlson, Rollyn (Self)

                                 DeFrates, Ana (Self; National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health)

                                 Doggett, Chris (Self)

                                 Ferrigno, Andrea (Self)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Freasier, Jessica (Self)

                                 Grimes, Andrea (Self)

                                 Hemphill, Susy (Self; Lilith Fund)

                                 Hernandez, Amanda (Self)

                                 Hinman, Brendan (Self)

                                 Klushnik, Julie (Self)

                                 Lichtenheld, Zoey (Self)

                                 Limones, Delma Catalina (Self)

                                 Long, Amelia (Self; NARAL Pro-choice texas)

                                 Lopez, Jason (Self)

                                 Luthy, Laura (Self)

                                 Martin, Emily (Self)

                                 McCombs, Jennifer (Self)

                                 McKee, Ashli (Self)

                                 Meurer, Jill (Self)

                                 Miller, Katherine (Texas Freedom Network)

                                 Morton, Peggy (Self; Texsa U U Justice Ministry)

                                 Nobles, Trace (Self)

                                 Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Rooke-Ley, Emily (Self; Jane's Due Process)

                                 Rotz, Jessica (Self)

                                 Sheldon, Connie (Self)

                                 Sheldon, Robert (Self)

                                 Sprinkle, Diana (Self)

                                 Sprinkle, Gklizicki (Self)

                                 Stanley, Drew (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Stein, Lucy (Progress Texas)

                                 Taylor, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Thomas, David (Self)

                                 Vogel, Alicia (Self)

                                 Wallig, Zachary (Self)

                                 Waters-Cofer, Katherine (Self)

                                 Williams, Amanda (Self)

                                 Wolter, Erin (Self)

                                 Yelverton, Brittany (Self)

                       On :

                                 Hughes, Allison (Dept of state health services)
