Transportation Committee
April 2, 2015 - 8:00 AM
For :
Bingham, Bill (Lone star rail district)
Cassidy, C. Brian (Alamo RMA; Cameron County RMA; Camino Real RMA; Central
Texas RMA; Grayson County RMA; North East Texas RMA and Transportation
Advocates of Texas (TAOT))
Flores, Arnold (Cameron County)
Flores, Arnold (Cameron County, Texas)
Gordy, Duane (Self)
Leal, Kristina (City of Corpus Christi)
Lee, Donald (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)
Against :
Dixon, Don (Self)
Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Allison, Jim (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas)
Boyer, Victor (San Antonio Mobility Coalition, Inc.)
Bresnen, Steve (El Paso County)
Bushell, Gary (Alliance for I-69 Texas)
Bushell, Gary (I-14 / US 190 / Gulf Coast Highway Coalition)
Haywood, Scott (Move Texas Forward)
Igo, Shanna (Texas Municipal League)
John, Conrad (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County Commissioners Court)
Minick, Stephen (Texas Asssociation of Business)
Mitchell, Seth (Bexar County Commissioners Court)
Newton, Jennifer (AGC of Texas)
Olsen, Lawrence (Texas good roads assn)
Pardue, Craig (Dallas County)
Ramirez, Rene (Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority)
Redford, Susan (Ector County Texas)
Shields, Chris (San Antonio Chamber of Commerce)
Sullivan, Ray (Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority)
Yarbrough, Brian (Port of Corpus Christi Authority)
On :
Barton, John (TxDOT - Resource Witness)
Bass, James (TxDOT - Resource Witness)