SB 9

              Senate Committee Report


              March 17, 2015 - 9:00 AM


                                          Heflin, Talmadge   Research  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Public Policy

                                          Foundation), Austin, TX

                                          Venable, Peggy   Policy Dir  (Americans for Prosperity), Austin, TX


                                          DeLuna-Castro, Eva   Budget Analyst  (also providing written testimony)  (Center for

                                          Public Policy Priorities), Austin

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Legislative Counsel  (also providing written testimony)  (Tx-American

                                          Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX


                                          Ashley, Phillip   Associate Deputy Comptroller for Fiscal Matters  (Texas Comptroller of

                                          Public Accounts), Austin, TX

                                          Currah, Tom   Chief Revenue Estimator  (Comptroller of Public Accounts), Austin, TX

                                          Greenfield, Stuart   Professor  (also providing written testimony)  (Self)

                                          Parks, Ursula   Director  (Legislative Budget Board)

                                          Shallow, Stewart   Counsel  (Legislative Budget Board)

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Daniel, Cassidy   Org Director  (Republican Party of Texas)

                                          Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn   Homemaker  (Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                          Jackson, Janet    (SREC SD 22), Clifton

                                          Matocha, Dustin   Executive Director  (Texans for Fiscal Responsibility)

                                          McDonald, Tony   Attorney  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Mechler, Tom   Chair  (Republican Party of Texas)

                                          Neeley, Josiah   Director  (R Street Institute)

                                          Spilman, Annie   Legislative Director  (National Federation of Independent Business/TX),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Sullivan, Michael Quinn   New Media  (Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal

                                          Responsibility), Austin, TX


                                          Garcia, Eileen   CEO of Texans Care For Children  (Texans Care for Children), Austin

                                          Houston, Joshua   General Counsel  (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                          Kafka, Bob   Organizer  (ADAPT of Tx)

                                          Sanderson, Josh   Lobbyist  (Assoc. of TX Professional Educators (ATPE)), Austin, TX

                                          Terry, Mark   Deputy Executive Director  (Texas Elementary Principal and Supervisors


              March 25, 2015 - 11:00 AM or upon adjournment of the Senate  


                                          Parks, Ursula   LBB Staff  (LBB)
